📘 قراءة كتاب At Tadhkirah The Reminder أونلاين


Preamble , , .. , ., 15
T rans · I ,a t- -ors - ' Intr ., ,_ o · ·d uc:_1on t' · - , , , . 1· 7
T:t."ans.Jator·'s Note 21
"":hapter l: The in terdietion of wishing for death owing
to a physical ,or financial ealami ty , , ...• 22
Chapt@r 2: The permissibility of praying for death for fear or
How believers' and disbelievers' souls leav.
their bodies , , . , _ , , , , , . 35,
oefs of the pains of d.ea:th and the condition
of dying people 36,
Death expiates Muslims' sins ~···· 40
Man sbould have a favorable opinion of Allah
at his death (Fearing Allah) , 41
Dictating S hahadah to the dying person 42
He who attends. to a dying person should utter
good words (How to pray for Ute dying p@TSOO
at death and how to close his eyelids) 4,11
h:a pter 18: Viha t shauld be said on e losing the dea.
11er son } s ·eyeil -- lids .. s . , . , _ , , .. , . . . . . . . . ";,j,· ...fij
Ch.apter 14: How Salan attends to the dying person
(The feat of bad ends) , .. , ,. . ~J,7
'hantee 8:
.Jbapter 5:
hapter 6,:
Cha.pte.1· 7:
Ohapter '9 ~
Chapte1~ 10:
""'hapteri l]:
Chapter 1:~:
"""he preparation far, and rememhranca of
death , 27
"iVh at remmds people of de ath and th
hereafter and helps them disrega1·d li.fe . , . , , , 29
Wb at should be said on entering cetnete~ ..-.~·
permissibility of crying there . , , , . , - . . . . . . . .. . 3.2
Believers sweat at death , .. 34
Chapb3r 15: Hadlths Concerning Bad Deaths
( How Endin,gs Th1[attel'· Niore) 4 9
Chapter 16: The Heralds of Forthcoming Death , . ,. ,. . . 52
Cha:pteF 17: The soul will be given either glad or had
tid111:gs before it lea ve.s the body , +. ; ••• , _ 53
Chapter· 18: How souls will meet each other in paradisa.. 55
Chapter 19: The destiny of the· sou] after it leaves
the body-- , 57
:hapter 201:: The angel of death seizes people's souls and
·isits every house fi v~ 'times a day., . . . . . . . . . . . . 5·
·l1apter 2l.: 1iV11en the soul departs, the sight follows .... , .. 59
~·hap,ter 22:: The dust of every grave will be hailed on
the pel'SO,n buried therein ., 60
han,ter 2'3 :. What follows a :person to 'his grave, and stays
with him i. . ••••••••..•••......•. , ••••.•.. •"···-··-. ········+· 6,
Chapter 24: The s:ev-e2ity of death - ·Th.e grave is 'the fiTs1t.
step toward the hereafter .. "' , "" r •• ~. " " •• " 62
C.il- nap ,£ -- 9.~·. s-·1 · ti" .•.. L · 1· r· b · ·1 6 ;~ "'er ;;;;.!u, ; eiec ng !1.!U.H p ac.e o W'.'la •• ; • _, , , • •. • . • • • . . • • • . • • .. ,::..t
Chaptel' 26: I-low the dead ~ange visits in their
~"FI"ol. ves ..................• , , , , T + , , .••. , T .•••••••••••••••••••••• 65
Ch.apter 27: How the grave speaks and addresses its
~nhab±tants daily .. ,. ~.;·---·--·· .. 65
Chapter 28:· How the grave presses its inhabitants, even
the virtuous ones ,. , _._ 6,6
Chavter 29: The, dead p erson is. tortured when his family
,v ails for him (That makes him suffer) . . . . . . . . 67
Chap tel' ,30: What should be said. when. the d ead person
is placed in the gi·ffve _ .. __ ., .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . s-
Chapter 3:1: Standing lby the gra ve i.ifte:r burying U1e
dead person and p,raying for him , 69
Ch.a.p ter a2:: I-low angels question 'the dead. ( One· should
,seek ref u~ £rum the torture of the gJ~ae) . . . . 7 I
Chapter SS: The famous Heditl« narrated by Al·B'aro'.a
lb n .Azib that sums up The affairs of th
dead at death and in the w·ave, , _ ·- __ ; 72
"111 apter 34: Different Traditions on the V astness of the
r".:!!,..,e...,~"' f.., B .... 1~ ·" 80 ,.. .iL ·~... •••• u n - e.u.ever .......••• _ .. ...• T ••• ~ .• , • • •• • • • • • • ."
Ch.apter 35: The causes of grave torture
,fThe different eonditicns oithe disobedient
-~1 e 1. t. ~ • • 8.CC01u:ul!.ng ·O ·
1.Jh epter 36:: The explana tion of the verse that reads:
"A. nab. will establish in strength 'those who
believe, with the word that. stands firm,
·- n tm· ,..!l s0 S W·Or.11.u .••......•..••••••••••.....••.• , •.•••.•••.••••• , .. :
Chaute·r 37: The dead person is brought to his abode
(in paradise or hell) u1.01·oing and evening .... 89
Chapter 38: How tnan.y martyrs are· th-em?
~ a martyr "is called so?
Vi.hat is the meaning of martyrdom? ..•.......... 91
Chapter 39:"~Iiow man's body decays after death except
for the c1JcC'yx ...•...... _ ...•.•............ H·. . .... .. . .. . . • . . . . . . 92
Chapter 40: The bodies of prophets and mertyrs do not
dec.ay Cf1he·v are alive) .. , ··-n •..• , .•..•••• 94
Uhap,ter 41: The destruction of creation
(Blowing the 'trumpet, and s wocmng - The
interval betv;l'f!en. the two times of blowing l
(Itesurrection ~ Presentation - Hell) , 95
Chn,p t:er 42-: Exp] a nation of the vets e reading:
"'The trum pet will j ust be sounded, when
all that are in the heavens and on earth will
weon except such as it will please Allah to
J1:r·X.~.1Ll.:Al exempt · ! " I!' r r I - ••• ii ••• <i ;,; :ii• Ii Ii • II 'II II I I I .I rl I II II II II II 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 I r I' II' Jl!I I '" 'I' T- !' • ·~ II_~ g,o .o
Chapter 43: Reconeling some verses that seem to be
contradictory. ~ _ , .,. IOO
Chapter 44: Ga.theri ng people before Allah bare footed,
naked and uncircumcised (Who would. he
dressed first and. which oi·gans would
speak first) , , , ; ; , , , , ••, .. , . , , . , , , 105
Chapter -45: ''iVhat rescues people frnm the agony and
terrors of th~ Day of Judgiuant +. , ~ .•.• , . , 115
Ch.apter 46,~· The general intercession of the Prophet f:m
the ,ga thered people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 18
.... ha.pt er 4 7 ~: How intercession wUl. be glerious .. , . . . . . . . . . .. . . 12 3
hapter 48: A commen tary on the verse that reads:
1A day when some faees will shine while
others ~H be in the gloom of black, ~ 12 8
Chapter 49: A eommen tary on the verse that reads:
'1 And the book of deeds will be placed before
you; and thou wilt see the sinful in grea
terror beceuse of what is recorded therein" .. 129
Chapter 50: What the slave will be questioned about
and how the questioning will take place..... 130
haptee 6]: How Allah, the Most high, will talk to His
s la v,es withou t directly , 132
'.ha pter 52: Retaliation on the Day of J udgrnen t 18 3.
Chapter ffi8: The testimony of the earth, nights and day .•
and wealth , 135
Chapter .54: The Prophet's Ha wd: its length, width,
vessels and those who will drink from it 140
apter 55: Poor Mu hajireen. will be the first to approach
the Hawd "'_. , 144
Chapte..r 56: Those who will be driven away from.
th,eHawd , 146
Cha.ptell" 5, 7 !' Genera] Description of the Prophet's Haw d. 149
Ch - lie 1 • · · - 58 · ii Th - ~· Bal , ' :- ~ "• ·1~- c..J apter e . anoo , - . Chapter 591; The function of the balance and the way
deeds will be weighed 1,53
,. ~hapter 60! The People of A 'ra.f . , , ~. , . , , , 116 l
Chapter 61: On. the Day of Judgment every nation 'vVill
follow what it used to worship in the world
he hypocrites. will be tested and the Path
will be established. , , . 165
Ch.apter 62 .. : Sirat: Its daseription and the way of
·CJl."'O.SSin_g it. , , , 16·8
Chapter Gfk Three Occasions that the Prophet wiil never
miss owing to their dreadfulness ... , . . . . . . . . . . 17 5
'"hapter· 64: .. 4.ng,els' 'reception of the Prophets and their
nations after cressing S irai and destroying
heir enemies , , 176
.ptei" 66: The second Sirat: The bridge between hell
and paradise- _ __ , + ••• , , ..•••.. __ , __ • _ . 17 Pl,
Chapter 61,:, How sinful believers who, enter hell will be
burnt to death, and then released through
ln· - ·t ,ercess1on . · , , , .. _, , .. _. , . _, , , ..I!. ~1·9 , .
vhapter 67: Those who will be interceded for befbre
entering hall because of their good deeds 181
Chapter 68: Intercessors for those w ho will enter hell., 18
ebapteir 69; Jntereessors for d weHers of hell 18 3
Chapter 70: Recognizing the people e:ntiUed to intercession
by the impact of prostration on their- foreheads
and their glimmering faces ,. . 18 9
~hapter 71: The bounty of Allah's mercy and forgiven,
on the Day of Judgment .,. , 1'912
Chapter 72: Paradiaa is beset by adversi ties and hell
h,y desires ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] 94
Chapter, 78:: The quarrel between paradise and hell and
the attribu tes of their dwellers , 196
Chapter· 7·4: The attributes of'paradise and hell. dwellers.197
Chapter 75: 17ho constitutes the majority of the dwellers
of paradise and hell . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Chap'ter, 76: Hew headmen will he thrown into hell. ..... ,. . 20 5
Ch.apte,r ·77: Oppressor tax collectors and those severing
bonds of kinship are denied excess
to paradise ,.. ,. ,. ,. 206
Chapter 78: The first people to go to he]l ; . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Chapter 79: TI1os1e who enter paradise without
Judgment .. ;.·-·-··----'·····-·-···--·······-·-·-·, __ --·· 210
Ch.apter 80; Muhammad's nation represents half the
dwellers of paradise or even more.. 2I2
Chapter 81: The horrors ef bell ., , 214
Chapter 82~ When heU was ereated, angels panicked. 215
Chapter 88: Those who ask AU ah, glm·y· te Him, to gr an
them paradise and save them fron1 he11. , ..... 215
Chapter 84:: What is €tstablished in the Glo:rim1s Book
and the Prophet's Sunno: 2Hi
Ch.a.pter 85: HeU: its bottoms and dwellers .. , .. _ , 218
Cha.pter 86: Explsiniog the verse reading: "To i'l ar€
aeven gates: for ea ch of' these gates is
a special class of sinnere as signed" .. , .... , ., .... 219
Chapter 8'7: Hell: its greatness, horrors, numerous angels
and their great creation, unconbrollability.
How the Prophet will repress it so that it may
not attack people 011, the Day of Judgment .... 222
Chaptc,er 88: The nineteen keepers of hell w •••••••• 222
Chapter 89: The vastness of hell and the grea tness of
its pavilions: An explanation of' the verse
reading: iiThey are cast hound together,
·; n to a constricted place therein.~·. _,'2.24
Chapter 90: Explanation of the verse reading '~1Wbe.m the
oceans boil over with a swell.1c,(How the sun
and the moon will be thrown in to hell}, . , . . . . 22'5
Chapter 91: Description of hell, its he:at ru1d severe
torture. .. , , . , , .. , ,. ., ,. , , 22,5
Chapter 92: The maces, chains i yokes and fetters of the
dwellers of hell ., , ,. . 232
Chapter 93: How hell contains mountains, trenches,
valleys, seas, tanks, reservcirs, wella, cisterns,
furnaces! prisons, houses, bridges palaces,
querns 1 scorpnms and snakes. May Allah
i!, .auo::i. 11"'"' from · them r 23· r']
'"' 'rt':..: ll!dlo ,.1. I ·. ~ I I I ,i lo ,i I. ,j ,;; "! 'I 'I • •• 'I 'I I LI • • I II I II U U • • • • • • • ~ t:
Chapter 94: Explaining the verse reading: ''Whose fuel
1s . men an · tl1 stones - .. · " ; ,. ,
'4 2
Cha.o'ter 95: frhe enl argument of unbelievers' bodies
according to their infldelity, (The distribution
of torture over disobedient believers acccrdmg
,o the deeds carried out by their organs) ..... 242
Cb apter 96: The severs torture awaiting people of sins,
by which. the dwellers of hell will be hurt .... 244
Chapter 97: The severe punishment awaiting those who do
not practice the good deeds they preach peopl,
to do and practice the evil deeds they ad vise
people to avoid. (Orators whose
contradiet their words ·-Assist,a11ts of
,yrants who are described as dogs of fire).; .. 2•1;·,
~hapter !98:: The food, drink and clothes of the dweller
of h·ol] , . __ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
'ha.uter 99: I low the d wellers of hell will weep
And. those receiving slightest torture) 251
!ltap,ter 100:How eve1·y Muslim is rescued from hell in
return for an unheliever to be thrown into it.25,8
Chap·ter 101:Explai!ling the verse that reads: "Hell will
§ ,ill v · ' ~ -e there any · · (·t •.....•...•.••. "")'11~» 2 6· ,5&_ • ru· . 1 ·.!i:.1-' _ .6 . · .. · more iO Cv.ui..,;:. ·.• • •.. , •• , • , ~ · Chapter 102{rhe last man ·co come out. of fire and en·t;
arad .•.... ..-.. .•• ,5~) ·~-4&-1ra. _.!L~!L::r • I •••• IJ ,II I II ll ••• II II I I I II •••••• r r r .• I I I '1.,."' I MT t, to •••• , i, .I i i ;m I -6. .. ...::...
Chapter 103:The dwellers of paradiee's inheritance of
the hons es of the people of hell 267'
Chapte·:1~ 104:rrhe immortality of the dwellers of paradise
iose of hell, (How d.eath will be
~ laughtered and who is going to do so).,., . . . 26~
Chapter U}fi:Para.dise: Its gates; des,cr.iption and bliss.: .. 271
Chap,'ter lOS~The qualities of the dwellers of paradise in
worldly life _ , 272
Chapte-r 107:The nature and delights of paradise and
the pleasures Allah. prepared fox its
inhabitauts _ , , 27
Chapter 108:P'ar.adise's rivers and mountains
{Wllich o,nes exist in worldly Iifel _ 276
Chapter 109:Froni where do paradise's rivet's originate?'. 277
Chapeer 110:1]1he proof that wine is the drink of the
dwellers of paradise (He who drinks it in life,
will not drink it in the hereafter) The clothes
and vessels of th0· dwellers of paradise. .. .. 27 9
Chapter 111:What is mentioned about paradise's trees
and fruits and their counterparts in Iifa.. . . . 281
Chapter 112:P.araclise's clothing ,Md its people's
garments _ , , 285
Chapter 113:How the trees and fruits of paradise bring
forth tho garments and j ewelry of paradise. 28 6
'hap'ter 114::The palms} fruits and welfare of paradise .. _ 287
Chapter 1 ]5:Culti v ation in paradise 288
Cbapte-:t~ 116:The gates of paradise: How many are they?
To who are they opened? Their nmne:s. and
capacity 289
Chapter l 1 7:Paradis e's ranks and believers' share of it .. _ 293
Chapter 11:S.:Parailise's dwellings 2:95
Chapter 119:The palaces, buildings and hcuses of paradise
(How can a believer attain them?) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2B7
~hapter 1.20:The verse that reads: "They si l: on eouehe
1. ·a1s,e· . d h- 'h." 200 - lg . .. . . - , .... ' .. " ' ' ... ' . ' ' ' . " .. ' . " .. " . i •• , ' • ' ' ' • " ..• :iv
Chapter 121:Pa.radiise'·s tents and markets _._ , 299
Chapter 122:Th.e poor are the first to get into paradise. 301
Chapter 123:How good deeds are the dowry of nymphs 308
·hapte-r 124:A woman beoom.es the wife of her last
worldly-Hie husband 309
Chapter 125:Physical eating, drinking and. marriage tn
paradise (The absence of dirt and defects) ..... 3,10
Chapter 126:If a believer wishes to have a baby ·
paradise, its conception, delivery and
teething are done in one hour 3:12.
Chapter 127:Hnw ever,ything in paradise is everlasting
rM othmg wears out; nothing comes to an
end or passes awaty) ""' 313
Ohapter 128:How women in paradise (nymphs) see UH~]r
husbands in worldly life .. , ,314
Chapter 129:The birds, horses and. camels of paradise ,3 ·15
Chap,te·r 180:H<n~ l'IB11na is the master of paradise sweet
basil with which it is surrounded. . .... __ 31,6
Chapter 131 :She0p, and goats. aro aruongr the animals of
par adise .. _ _ .. _ _. _ , .. _ .. _ .. 316
Chapter 132 :,Paradise has a base, a smefl and a talk 317
Chapter 138. I-low paradise has plains Its plant is 'glor;·
to Allah' and 'praise he to AUah' _. _ 319
Ch apter 134:Tb.e, share of people. of the lowest and
hlghest ranks in paradise 320
Chapser 135:Good pleasure of Allah, glozy to Him,
LS · b· -~1,WT •.. ~-""'- thar .. an ·p·,~..-.a· . ,E;U. dise . a ...•••••••••••••••••••••••• , "=l?2 ,.,.9,
Chap,ter 1816:Seeing Allah, glory to Him, is more loveable
and delightful to, the. dwellers of paradise
·•·f... - · •·'IL"" - A l'...f..,-11.. 3- ·23: rw.1an Ol,Jli~l' i;..we lij.Y~ .. ,., •• , .. .•..•..••.. , ...• '"" --·---- ',
Chap,mr 13·7 :Some scholars' comments on the Interpreta-
tion af words and verses regarding paradi
in the Qm:-1a.Ill. ••••••••. ··············~·· ......••••••••••• 326
Chapter 138::The children of Muslims and polytheists .. __ _ 3 3 5
Chapter 139:The rew ard fer a person whose child diea., . 3 3 6
Chapter 140:The· residence ,of the dwellers of paradise
and the gifts given to th em therein , . . . . . . . 33. 9
Chapter 141 :The key to· paradise is the testimony that
«There is no god but Allahlq' together with
pra.yer. _ _ __ ·~·" 341
Chap,t.er 14:2:Abstainin.g· frum killing those who testify
that there is no, god but .Allah e •••.•• _ •. _ 342
,Chapter 143.:DecJ.aring a Muslim's life]. property and
h . . · 1 bl· 3° ..112 ·ronor lnVlOJi.a, e ·-------·-·--- .. , , , ---··- ··· ~ ·
Chapter 144d{iUiny a believer or assisting someone
- o, do so ., 3 44
Chapter l 45~The emergence of seditions: Their places
ca uses, and the way to avoid them.. . . . . . . . . . . 345
· ·hapter 14S:vVhen will the mill of Islam start ·to grind? .. 349
C.hapt,er· lL41:Every era to come will be followed by
.a worse one ·~·· ,-,---- ·---········ 351
Chapter 148:tlow to esca pe from seditions and ab andon
weapons (Vho will be forced to engage
111 them) , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.53
Cb.ap'ter.149:01~tlers to the effect that Allah's Book must
be Iearned and its teachings be followed
and Umma of Muslims be adhered to at the
emergence of turmeil (Description of late
preachers - OlJ edtence of the Caliph even if
he whips men's backs and takes hold of
their monev) 3.57
Chapter l 50:Allah ordained that people of this nation
would exercise theie power among them-
selves e'He may cover J"OU with confusio
in party strife) giving you a taste of mutual
vengeance, each from the other."), . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
Chapte1~ 151:Seditions and Prophet's comment on them ... 364.
Chapter 152:Prophef s Hadithe about the killing of
Hussein, may Allah be pleased with laim,
and displeased with his murderer 367
Chapter 1.5':J:Man is, ordered to adhere to prepare himself
for death at time of seditions ..... _. _ .. .... _. _ 369
Chapter ]54,:.Allah made first generations of this U mma
powerful while He ordained that last
gener,a.tions will be afflioted with calamities 37 4.
Chapter 155:The last Caliph, named Al-Mahdi
(Signs efhis rule) 377
Chapter ]56(1110 appearance of Al-Mc1}uli, the rebellion
of Al-Sufiani, the defeat ,of his army 378
'L!h:apter 157:Thoss who will setUeill-Malidi's Kingdom .. 381
Chapter lfiS::Co-mment on Al-J'Iahdi~s name, description
generosity, lifeapan, and his support to
Jesus in killingAl~Dl-uJal .... ,-, -e • __ •• _ --·. _ •••• 381
Chauter 159::How Al-Mahdi will rule Deilem. 1woun· •. ,
, anstantinople, Rome, and Golden Chureh, 3,
"hapter HJO::Tho conquest of Cons'tantinop]e (as a sign of
the emergence of and. assassination by Al-·
Da)jc1J, and the appearance of Jesus Christ).384-
baptei~ .Hll:Signs of Judgment Day ,---·-····----·· 387
Cha11te·r 162.:Conc(:rnin.g the Prophet's Hadit.h (The
beginning of my prcphethoud and Judginen··
ay are as dose as my two fingers) 38 7
o,;·hapter- 163:E vents that will happen on J udgmant Day .. 3
Chapter 164:Description of the rulers before the end of
the world .,. ---· __ _._. 39
8,hapt61" 16,5:flow virtues and faith will be taken away 393
haptier 166(fhe ten signs of Doemsda , ,395
Chapterl67:The places At~Dajjal will be denied to enter. 396
'"'los sa.i."')'": •..•••.•••..••.•••.. _ •... _ ...• , •.• _ • , ....•••. ,. • ,. ..• ,. •.•••.•••. , . . . 39,7
An Authentic Selection from Imam AlQurtubi’s AtTadhkirah FiahwalilMawta WalAkhirah. Death is not the absolute end. It is just the discontinuation of unity between the body and soul. It is a change from one state to another and a transition from this present life to that of the hereafter.
سنة النشر : 2004م / 1425هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 15.7 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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