📘 قراءة كتاب Islamic Viewpoint on Racism Bilal the Abyssinian ndash One Light Many Colours أونلاين

Foreword ................................................................3
Introduction ............................................................8
Chapter 1 : Other Systems ..........................................9
Chapter 2 : Equality in Islam ....................................14
Chapter 3 : Equality between Humankind .....................19
Chapter 4 : Racist Statements are Unacceptable .............28
Chapter 5 : Story of Bilal the Abyssinian........................31
Conclusion ............................................................42
Truth is the enemy of hypocrisy. This latest work by Dr. alSheha, in casting light on the exemplary, humble life of Bilal ibn Rabah r , honorable friend of the Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him , lends itself to the continuing global dialogue to uphold the dynamic elements of the world’s fastest growing religion, and breathes life into the idea of piety as an achievable way of life.
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