📘 قراءة كتاب Rules of Purification and Prayers أونلاين

Terminology used in this book 3
Introduction 4
Purification 5
Merits of purification 7
Means of purification 9
Manners related to answering the call of nature 11
Impurities 14
Sunan al-Fitrah 16
Wudhu 19
Its Merit 19
How to perform it 20
Preconditions of Wudhu 23
Obligatory acts of Wudhu 24
Sunnah acts of Wudhu 26
Blameworthy acts during wudhu 28
Nullifiers of Wudhu 28
Things that do not nullify the Wudhu 29
Actions which require wudhu 30
Wiping over the Khuff 32
Ghusl 36
Tayammum 40
Salah 48
Sujood Sahu 68
Rules ofPurification and Prayers
Terminology used in this Book
1. Rubb: Some prefer to translate the term 'Rubb' into 'Lord.'
Beside the fact that the latter is a Biblical term referring to
the alleged lordship of the slave of Allah, Prophet Jesus, the
word 'lord' which is limited to 'master', 'chief', 'proprietor',
or 'ruler', can never convey the conclusive signification of
the term 'Rubb'. Among other signification, the term 'Rubb'
means, the Creator, the Fashioner, the Provider, the One
upon Whom all creatures depend for their means of
subsistence, and the One Who gives life and causes death.
2. Deen: The word translated as religion is 'Deen', which in
Arabic commonly refers to a way of life, which is both
private and public. It is an inclusive term meaning: acts of
worship, political practice, and a detailed code of conduct,
including hygiene or etiquette matters.
3. [:I] Sal'lal'laaho a'laihi wa sal'lam. Some translate it as
peace be upon him. This translation is incorrect; the correct
translation is, may Allah exalt his mention, and render him
and his household safe and secure from every derogatory
4. [.$.] Radi Allahu anhu. This means: 'with whom Allah is
pleased.' It is said when a Companion's name is mentioned.
Rules ofPurification and Prayers
All praise is due to Allah, Whose aid we implore, and
Whose forgiveness, guidance and protection against our
own evil sinful acts we seek. He Whom Allah guides aright
none can lead astray, and whom He leads astray none can
guide aright.
I testify that there is no true god worthy of being
worshipped except Allah, Who has no partner and I testify
that Muhammad (:I) is the slave of Allah and His
Messenger. May Allah exalt his mention and render him, his
household and his Companions safe from all evil.
This is a short, but beneficial treatise on purification and
I will state general guidelines concerning each matter and
clarify common mistakes that are made during the Wudhu
and Prayer.
I ask Allah, the Exalted, to bless this work and to make
people benefit from it. Ameen
Rules qfPurification and Prayers
Allah (~) has blessed this Ummah (nation) with an
exceptional code of hygiene; no other nation has witnessed a
similar system. It was said to Salman aI-Farsi (*):
"Your Prophet (:I) taught you everything, even how to
relieve yourselves! Salman (.) answered, 'Of course!
He forbade us to face the Qiblah when answering the
call of nature (i.e. when defecating or urinating), to
cleanse ourselves using our right hands, or to use less
than three stones when purifying ourselves. He also
forbade us to cleanse ourselves using dry dung or
bones." (Muslim)
The Arabic word for 'purification' is 'ta-ha-ra', which literally
means 'purity'; from an Islamic point of view this term refers
to a state of cleanliness which a Muslim must be in to
perform certain acts of worship. Although this purification
will render one physically clean, the actual purpose behind
purification in Islam is spiritual cleanliness. This is clear
from the Prophet's words:
"What do you think? If there was a river at the door of
one of you in which he bathes five times a day, would
there be any filth left on him?" They answered, "There
would be no filth left." The Prophet (:I) said, "That is
like the five prayers, through them Allah effaces the
sins." (Bukhari)
Rules ofPurification and Prayers
Purification is a precondition for the acceptance of prayer.
The Prophet (;I) said:
"No prayer is accepted without purification..." (Muslim)
In Islam, one is encouraged and commanded to be clean.
Jabir (.$) said:
"Once the Messenger of Allah (;I) came to us and saw a
man with shaggy hair. He said (;I) 'Couldn't he find
something to tidy his hair up?' Then he saw another
man with dirty clothes and said, 'Couldn't this man
find anything with which to clean his clothes?'" (Ahmed)
If a Muslim purifies himself in. the manner ordained in the
Shari'ah (Islamic Jurisprudential Laws) his Prayers will
purify him from sins.
In general, purity is of two types:
a. Spiritual cleanliness,
b. Habitual cleanliness.
Spiritual cleanliness refers to purification from Shirk (Le.
associating partners with Allah). Allah says:
(Verily, the Mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters,
disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and in the
Message of Muhammad) are Najasun (impure).) (9:28)
Habitual cleanliness refers to purification from major and
minor ritual impurities.
Rules ofPurif
When one is in a state of minor or major ritual impurity
water is the only means through which one can achieve
As for purification from impurities in general, water and
other substances can be used. In general, whatever removes
the filth whether it is water or any other substance is
sufficient. There is a beneficial maxim which can be applied
here regarding water:
All water that descends from the heavens or comes forth
from the earth is pure in itselfand purifies other things as
Rain water, whether it is running in valleys or has collected
in an area is pure. A person can perform Wudhu and purify
himself from major ritual impurities. This applies to sea
water as well. The Prophet (~) was asked about the sea and
he (:I) said:
"Its water is pure and its dead! are lawful." (Abu Dawood)
It is clear from this Prophetic Tradition that sea water is pure
and purifies one from minor and major ritual impurities and
from impurities in general.
1 This refers to the animals that live in the sea, not what has fallen into it
and died thereafter! Therefore, if a sheep falls into the sea and dies as a
result of drowning, it is unlawful for consumption.
Rules ofPurification and Prayers
Dust or dry sand is also a purifying and cleansing agent.
Purification in this manner is called 'Tayammum'(dry
ablution). Allah, the Exalted, says
(And if you are sick or traveling, or if you have an
intercourse and could not find water, then perform
Tayammum using pure dust and wipe therewith your
faces and hands.)
Salaat Prayer is one of the main obligations which Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has ordained on His servants. It is the first act of worship decreed on the Muslim Nation Ummah by Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and was ordained on the night of the Prophet’s peace be upon him ascension to the seven heavens. It is the second of the five pillars of Islam after the proclamation of the “Shahada” the words of witness .
سنة النشر : 2006م / 1427هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 4 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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