📘 قراءة كتاب What a Muslim is required to know about his Religion أونلاين

l) Euphonious utterance of the basic formula of the Faith
<There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah>.
2l Performance of the Prayers.
3) Payment of the Zakah. (obligatory alms).
4) Fasting of Ramadan.
t) Pilgrimage to the Sacred House MAKKAH for those
who have the means to perform it.
With this great Sura which inspires the necessity of unity
and co-operation between Believers (Muminin) as well as
confidence in each other; and calls for justice;
With this great Sura in which Allah produced His
evidence unto mankind, as stated by Imam Shafi'e (May
Allah's Mercy be upon him) if no other evidence had been
revealed by the Creator this sura would have been
Yes indeed, with this verse of the Holy Quran, we present
these Islamic directives, which we trust with the help of
Allah, will be useful to them.
May Allah bless His choicest Prophet Muhammad, the
Redeemer and Beacon of enlightenment; his relatives;
companions and those who followed his footsteps to the last
Conditions And Status of Pilgrimage.
Dear Pilgrim :
You tave left the worldly ambitions behind, renounced
the world's fascinated pleasure and sacrificed your precious
money, and valuable possessions so willingly for the sake of
Allah, and for the sake of Pilgrimage to His Sacred House
to perform one of the fundamental bases of lslam. Ever
since you left home, you felt exhausted throughout restless
travel by Air, by Sea, by Land or on camelback. Whatever
means of transport you maintained, yet fatigue and lack of
comfort cannot be avoided:
Despite all difficulties you have set aside all kinds of
worldly pleasures to perform an important Pillar of Islam,
placing the love of Allah above the love of your homeland
and the performance of the Pilgrimage ritual above national
You have given up your relatives and children, who are
the most delightful sources of life, and preferred the
spiritual enjoyment as well as the encounter of your Muslim
brothers around the Sacred House to mention with them the
Name of Allah and to perform together the duty unto
Alleh, than other pleasures of Life.
By so doing, dear pilgrim, you are under the protection
and hospitality of Allah during your visit to His Sacred
House, for Allah has secured to pilgrims either a safe return
home or a domicile in Paradise for those who pass away
while on pilgrimage. The Divine hospitality provides for the
response of Allah to the call of pilgrims and the reward for
their expenditures.
According to lbn Omar, the Holy Prophet was quoted as
having said: Pilgrims and Umrah-makers are the delegation
of Allah: If they request they shall be given, if they pray
they shall be responded, and if they spend they shall be
compensated by Allah.
You are in the vicinity of the Sacred House of God : The
House which was built by Khalillullah lbrahim (peace be
upon him) by order of Allah. He was ordered by Allah to
proclaim the Pilgrimage unto mankind and to sanctify it.
The following verse says
Behold! We gave the site to Abraham of the (Sacred)
House, Associate not anything (in worship) with Me, and
sanctify My House for those who compass it round or stand
up, or bow or prostrate themselves (Therein in prayer)'
tHajj S. XX tl,22 : 261
Dear Haji,
You are here in the Sacred Mosque of Allah (ALHaram)
together with your money and family under the safe custody
of Allah to worship Allah freely with absolute security in
soul and spirit unequalled or felt in any other country of the
world. Our Lord said
<Do they not then See that We have made a Sanctuary
Secure, And that men are being snatched away from all
around them>.
We should know that the only way for our salvation in this life and in the hereafter is to know, for sure, our Lord who created us, believe in Him, and worship Him Alone. We should also know our prophet whom Allah had sent to us and to mankind, believe in Him and follow him. We should know the Religion of Truth which our Lord has commanded us to believe in and practice it.
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 3.4 ميجا بايت .
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