📘 قراءة كتاب Muhammad Peace Be upon Him the Perfect Model for Humanity أونلاين

Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
The Perfect Model for Humanity
Mustafa Ahmad Al-Zarqa’
In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Mercif
Great and sublime achievements can he manifest in d
ifferent fields of human action, and so there are
great figures in science and philosophy, in public
service and generosity, in war, etc. But in whateve
field, the greatness of such achievements is founde
d upon its generating
raison d’être
, just as the
strength of the trunk of a tree is founded upon the
strength of its roots. And, accordingly, the value
importance and enduring quality of this greatness l
ie in the potency of its grounds.
We affirm that true greatness is based on many pill
ars and essentials, of which the most important
are these four:
First, the psychological and moral qualities of the
individual. Second, the nobility and worth of the
fundamental values initiated by the individual, and
upon which the individual’s actions were based.
Third, the extent of the realization of these funda
mental values in actions by the individual. Fourth.
the extent of the individual’s success in forming a
well-qualified leading generation to shoulder the
responsibility for maintaining those fundamentals a
nd continuing to put them into effect.
Certainly, greatness cannot be comprehensive nor fu
ll unless it contains all of these four elements. I
the pages that follow, we shall show the greatness
of our Prophet Muhammad, may peace and the
blessings of Allah be upon him, in the light of the
se essential elements, depending for our
demonstration on solid facts and historical evidenc
The First Pillar
As to the first pillar, psychological and personal
moral qualities, the authentic biographies of the
Prophet teach us that he was the very pattern of ex
cellence, the noblest exemplar. Before he was
called to prophethood, he was a peerless example of
the good youth, of complete purity. The people
of his ow ii tribe called him ‘the Trustw orthy . I
n a
society, he did not drink wine, nor
worshipped idols, nor sought amusement in improper
ways, Not even those of his tribe who became
mortal enemies after lie was called to prophethood.
imputed any misconduct to him. He was
affectionate to the poor, tender— hearted to the we
ak, and a supporter of the oppressed. That is why
he took part in the
pact in which some good people bound themselves to
help the weak and
oppressed and to recover their rights against abuse
by the tyranny of tribal chieftains.
After his prophethood, ‘A’isha, the Mother of the F
aithful, may Allah be pleased with her, described
him in this way in a sound
'His moral was the Qur’an itself’
, meaning that the moral
qualities mentioned in the Qur’in and the injunctio
ns revealed by divine command, were all
hamionized in his person. ‘A’isha also said that
‘Allah’s Messenger, may peace and the blessings of
Allah be upon him, never took revenge for himself u
nless the things made inviolate by Allah were
violated; he then took revenge for Allah."
After the Angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet at
the cave of Hira and he came home trembling to
tell his wife Khadija about what had happened, she
said: ‘By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you.
You keep good relations with your kith and kin, ser
ve your guests generously and assist the
deserving who have been affected by calamity.’
After these general remarks about the Prophet’s per
sonal qualities, we shall now refer to four
particular virtues, which no other great person has
exhibited all together, especially not those who
have enjoyed power.
Our Prophet, may peace and the blessings of Alla
h be upon him, combined in a single
personality the highest degrees of spirituality thr
ough diligent worship of Allah with the highest
degree of industrious struggle and constructive eff
ort for the service of mankind. He excelled in
exerting himself to worship Allah and looking forwa
rd to the Day of judgement. He was sincere in
his desire and diligent to please Allah. He gave ch
arity in the cause of Allah without limit. Also he
would stand in night prayer until his feet became s
wollen, and would fast continually, spending the
nights and day s in hunger.
However, he dissuaded his Companions from uninterru
pted fasting in this way’, lest it prove
unbearable to them; he said:
‘As for me I spend the night [in a state such] that
my Lord feeds me and
provides me drink.'
Once, his wife ‘A’isha, the Mother of the Faithful
, may Allah be pleased with
her, asked him about his exertion in worship in spi
te of the fact that Allah had pardoned him for
everything he had sent ahead or left behind. He rep
"Should I not be a thankful servant"
? And in
a sound
, he says:
"If you knew what I know you would weep much and la
ugh little."
Such diligence in worship did not prevent the Proph
et, may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon
him, from initiating the right action at the proper
moment in all manner of administrative, legislativ
economic, political and military affairs. The Hijra
marked the beginning of the Islamic era, the
Muslims were beset with many problems, in addition
to their shortage of armed forces, as a result of
their forced migration. Nevertheless, the Prophet,
may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him,
seized the opportunity to intercept the great annua
l trade caravan returning from Syria under the
leadership of Abu Sufyan. In consequence, the Proph
et entered the battle of Badr in which he
humbled the umibelievers of the Quray’sh and impres
sed upon the enemies of the Muslims a new
respect and admiration. Later, in the battle of Uhu
d, victory turned into defeat when a group of
archers deserted the position the Prophet had assig
ned to them, and the Muslims had to return to
Madina greatly weakened. The Prophet, may peace and
the blessings of Allah be upon him,
immediately prepared to enter upon a new battle, ac
companied by only those who were with him at
Uhud, to renew respect for the Muslims in the minds
of the unbelievers. Their enemies were afraid
and marched off toward Makka. Thereupon, the Muslim
s went back, led by the Prophet, may peace
and the blessings of Allah be upon him, to Madina,
their morale which had been damaged by defeat
thus restored and having learnt an invaluable lesso
n for their future military affairs.
Humility, modesty and altruism are among the rar
est of personal attributes among the great
and eminent if they also enjoy supreme authority. T
he Prophet, despite the high solemnity of his
state and the freely given reverence of his Compani
ons, shunned all torms of pomp and appearances
of pride such as, typically, characterize rulers, h
eads of state, and holders of high office.
The Prophet, may peace and the blessings of Allah b
e upon him, and his followers were the same in
outward manner, in dress. in their attitude when se
ated, even in the physical work they undertook.
For example, in the battle of the Trench, they pers
onally took part in the digging and carrying. When
travelling, the Prophet used to gather firewood to
help his followers in preparing food, and he was so
like any one of them that newcomers were unable to
distinguish him among his followers in the
mosque. Thus, it was normal to ask the question. ‘W
hich of you is Muhammad’?’ whereupon the
Companions would point to the Prophet.
Of his modesty, a sound
reported by Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri, may Allah be plea
sed with him,
"The Messenger of Allah, may peace and the blessing
s of Allah be upon him, was more
modest than the virgin behind the curtain [or in th
e apartment]."
Out of selflessness and concern for others the Prop
het spent freely from his income from moneys,
spoils of war, and gifts to himself, leaving litera
lly next to nothing for his family. It is recorded
whenever he was given a vessel of milk as a gift, h
e would call the poorest of the Muslims, the
‘sitters on the bench’, to drink and he himself dra
nk the remainder after them.
It as related from ‘A’isha, may Allah be pleased wi
th her, that she said: "Never did the family of
Muhammad, upon him be peace, eat their full of Harl
ey-bread for three successive days.'
According to al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet die
d in such a condition that his armour was
pledged to a Jew.
The moral qualities of self-discipline and denial f
or others’ sake, is lacking among rulers and
presidents who are accustomed — even in the so-call
ed democratic and socialist regimes of our age
—to taking exclusive possession of houses and means
of transport and all other conveniences, as
well as to piling up wealth by exploiting their pos
itions of authority.
The Prophet’s submission to right is the third of
his unique traits. Addressing Umar bin al-
Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, who wanted
to deal forcefully with a Jew who had come to
the Prophet, may peace and the blessings of Allah b
e upon him, then in straitened circumstances, to
demand payment of a debt, and had done so harshly,
the Prophet said:
'Let him be. for the creditor
has the right to speak harshly.'
The Prophet’s unequalled forbearance, a quality esp
ecially rare among those who wield power,
towards those who are uneducated and rude, is anoth
er demonstration of his submission to right. The
incident is well-known of a bedouin who came to the
Prophet and asked him for a gift (of money),
and pulled at the Prophet’s collar until it chafed
his neck. The Prophet showed extraordinary
forbearance in responding to the bedouin and gave h
im what he asked despite his ill-manners.
- The Prophet’s ideal life was characterized by ful
l adherence in practice to the high moral
standards he taught. There were no gaps between his
words and his deeds.
Thus, he did not break an agreement with any of his
enemies nor acted treacherously even if he
feared treachery from them, nor did he engage in fa
lsehood to obtain a victory in any of his battles.
The sound hadith — ‘War is a stratagem’ does not by
any means indicate an exception to this moral
standard in politics. It indicates the permission i
n the actual business of battle, to disguise from a
enemy such information as the size of one's force o
r their deployment - for example, to marshal
ranks for a battle in such a way as to show massive
numbers or to make a din so that the enemy tears
the imminent arrival of large reinforcements. An ac
tual instance of this noble stratagem is how the
Prophet, may peace and the blessings of Allah be up
on him, would lead his forces in a direction
different from his intended destination, in order t
o conceal that information from the enemy
no more than sound practical wisdom and security, a
nd not a violation of high moral standards in
politics and tactics.
An admirable tradition narrates this incident from
the life of the Prophet. A polytheist, ‘Abdullah bi
Sa’d bin Abi Sarh, apostatized after embracing Isla
m and defamed the Prophet, may peace and the
blessings of Allah be upon him. The Prophet ordered
the Muslims, accordingly, after the conquest of
Makka, to execute him. But he, ‘Abdullah, took refu
ge with ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan, his foster brother,
may Allah be pleased with him, who took him to swea
r allegiance to the Prophet. The Prophet three
times refused this allegiance, but then accepted it
. After ‘Abdullah had departed, the Prophet, may
peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
"Was there not among you any man who rose to
kill him (i.e. ‘Abdullah) when I refused his allegi
They said: ‘Oh, Prophet of Allah! Why did
you not make a sign?’ The Prophet said:
"Prophets should not use tricks that deceive with t
he eyes."
The Second Pillar
In connection with the second pillar, namely, the n
obility and worth of the fundamental values
initiated by the great individual and upon which hi
s actions were based, the achievements of the
Messenger of Allah. may peace and the blessings of
Allah be upon him. surpass by far what any
other human being was given to achieve. He establis
hed enduring values in personal, social and
political life, and founded these values in a noble
and practicable system, which has secured success
in all areas of life in conformity with human natur
e. Moreover, he established these great and
enduring reforms in a society empty of any understa
nding of the values he sought to realize, and he
succeeded against a background of fierce resistance
and hostility.
We can express his achievement briefly by affirming
that the Prophet, may peace and the blessings
of Allah be upon him, introduced a system that not
only combines practice with ideals but also
adjusts and harmonizes the ideals in an unprecedent
ed way. It is a system that does not exclude or
reject, but one that blends, contrasting elements o
f life. It does not reject any of the opposing side
s of
human nature because each of them is a beneficial f
orce if put in its right place.
Human life, especially collective or social life, m
ade up of good and bad, of well-doers and evil-
doers, is indeed in need of these contrasting eleme
nts. Just as a plant needs heat and cold, dryness
and rain, so human life needs both mercy and rigour
. gentleness and hardness, letting go and holding
down, relaxation and labour, peace and war, modesty
and pride, giving choice and imposing
constraint, soft-voiced exhortation and strong crit
icism, and so on.
True virtue — in the individual or society or in go
vernment rests on right use of all the contrasting
elements of human nature in the right time and plac
e. It is not to be found in any exclusive
preference for one element while neglecting the oth
ers. Indeed, reliance upon any one of these
contrasting elements leads human life to the point
where its quality begins to fall off unless the
opposing element is also brought into use — continu
al indulgence spoils the appetite and the person,
continual clemency encourages rebellion, continuall
y condoning crime urges on more crime;
unlimited appeasement arouses the enemy to ever mor
e tyranny. and so on.
The Prophet, may peace and the blessings of Allah b
e upon him. was distinguished in human history
because, through his prophethood and his teaching,
expressed in the
, he combined the ideal
with the practical in an unprecedented way and did
so with wisdom, fitting each to the needs of life
so that moral ailment were cured and shortcomings c
orrected. We may illustrate this right harmony
and wise exploitation of the whole potential of hum
an beings through the following examples:
The Prophet instructed us to be merciful, and gener
alized this mercy to cover also all sentient
creatures. He promised a great reward for looking a
fter animals: ‘
There is a reward for service to
every living animal.’
He prohibited verbal or other abuse or tormenting
of a person under sentence of
death: similarly, he prohibited torturing of an ani
mal before or during slaughter:
"if you execute,
execute well: and if you slaughter, slaughter well.
"A woman was punished
because she had kept a cat tied up until it died an
d as a punishment for this offence 1 she was throw
n into Hell. She had not provided the cat with food
or drink, and had not freed the cat so that she
could eat the insects of the earth."
The Prophet’s own tenderness and care is illustrat
ed in the
observation that he used to incline the bowl to ena
ble the cat to drink more comfortably.
But in spite of this extreme gentleness, in the rig
ht place and at the right time, he stipulated sever
retribution for offenders and criminals.
The Prophet, may peace and the blessings of Allah b
e upon him, also prescribed peace and goodwill
between nations as well as individuals, encouraged
their knowing each other and co-operating in
noble objectives. Allah says in the Qur’an:
‘‘O Mankind! We created you from a single [pair] of
a male and a female, and made you into
nations and tribes, that you may know one another.
Truly the most honoured of you in the sight of
Allah is the most righteous among you’’
(49: 13)
And Allah also says:
‘‘But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou [
also] incline towards peace’’
(8: 61)
As well as this exhortation to peacefulness, the
urges military action against those who are
engaged in plots against Islam. The Qur’an orders t
he believers to spare no pains in the preparation
to resist such plotters:
‘‘Against them make ready your strength to the utmo
st of your power. including steeds of war, to
strike terror into [the hearts of] the enemies of A
llah and your enemies’’
(8: 60)
The Prophet, may peace and the blessings of Allah b
e upon him, enjoined humility among Muslim
brothers, saying:
‘‘He who behaves humbly and modestly, Allah will el
evate him.’’
On the other
hand, he practiced showing superiority before an en
emy in combat. The Qur’an confirms that:
‘‘Soon will Allah produce a people whom He will lov
e as the will love Him lowly with the
believers, mighty against the rejecters’’
(5: 54)
And the Prophet, may peace and the blessings of All
ah be upon him, said:
‘He who shows servility
willingly not forced — is not of us.’
The Messenger, may peace and the blessings of Allah
be upon him, recommended forgiving offences
related to individual, personal rights according to
the words of the Qur’an:
‘‘But if a person forgives and makes reconciliation
, his reward is due from Allah.’’
(42: 4
This article describes and talks about the aspects of life of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him , and shows his great qualities and the attractive aspects of his true religion which has the right to be followed by all mankind.
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