T~ society of ancient Gree~e was the earliest in
hi~tory to divorce its institutions, customs, arts and
scienceS from religion. In other words, ancient Greece
was the first truly secular society. Its philosophy was
based on the premise that a perfect, harmonious society
filled with beauty and justice could be achieved by an
intelligent, rational application of human reason
unaided by any supernatural power. This secular
ideal has remained the dominant theme of Western
civilization to this day.
According to the ancient Greeks, beauty reached
its epitome of perfection in the naked human body.
The naked human body, both male and female, was the
dominant theme of Greek aflt which· sculptors arid . painters reproduced endlessly.. In order to promote
maximum physical development, the utmost encourage-
ment of sports and games was deemed essential. No
city or town of any importance lacked its public
gymnasiums for the training of athletes. Regular
athletic .contests, held allegedly in honor of the gods,
took place in vast elaborate stadiums, each capable of
seating thousands of spectators. It was customary for
the participating athletes to perform st~rk naked. The
most important of these contests were the "Olympic.
Games" which still continue.
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