📘 قراءة كتاب Collection of Interviews on US Muslims أونلاين

Introduction................................................................................ 3
Chapter One: Identity and Society
US Muslims: The Social Angle - Interview with Dr. Mazen
Hashem........................................................................................ 5
Thinking American and Muslim - Interview with Hadia
Mubarak....................................................................................... 15
CAIR's Care and American Muslims - Interview with
Executive Director of CAIR, Mr. Nihad Awad.......................... 27
Chapter Two: Political Engagement
US Muslims: Uniting, Voting, and Becoming - Interview
with Executive Director of MAS Freedom, Imam Mahdi
Bray............................................................................................... 42
How Can US Muslims Change Realities: Politicking US
Muslims - Interview with Dr. Salah Soltan.............................. 57
CAIR on 9/11: What's Un-American? - Interview with CAIR
Florida's Executive Director, Mr. Hassan Shibly..................... 65
Islam and Politics in Chicago - Interview with Chairman of
Illinois Council for Imams and Scholars, Imam Kifah
Mustapha..................................................................................... 71
Chapter Three: Interfaith and US Foreign Policy
Muslims and Interfaith Dialogue - Interview with Imam
Yahya Hendi................................................................................ 79
US and the Muslim World - Exclusive Interview with John
Kerry............................................................................................. 87
Book author :
American Muslims or Muslim Americans, whatever the name is, the fact remains that this community is one of the most vibrant and developing in the American mosaic. The community passed through several stages and generations to reach its current level of engagement and productivity. Organizations such as CAIR represent a successful model where America’s prime ...
سنة النشر : 2014م / 1435هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 1.1 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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