❞ كتاب The Resurgence of Islam And our Liberation from the Colonial Yoke ❝ ⏤ Maryam Jameelah
The emergence of the 15th century of the Hijricalendar, which Muslims throughout the world are
commemorating now, is not an occasion for rejoicing
or celebration. It is not an E1'd day but rather
should be a time for serious thought and reflection-
a time to analyze the causes for our weaknesses
and deficiencies and think of our future.
During the last 100 years, the fa]l of the
Ottoman Empire at the close of the first world war,
the abolition of the Khilafat in 1924 and the
declaration by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk of Turkey
as a secular nationalist state, completed the decline
that had begun with the fall of Spain. Along
with all other non-European peoples of the world,
we fell under foreign colonial domination and are
now in the post-colonial period being speedily
absorbed into the mainstream of modern Western
civilization. Western co]onialism managed to
strengthen its stranglehold over the Ummah while
appearing to withdraw and grant "independence".
At the political, economic, social and cultural
levels, our activities have become merely a mirror-
reflection of the behaviour of the former colonial
powers. Indeed, we can argue with considerable
justification that the post-colonial period we are
Jiving in now is in fact only a. continuation of the
colonial period ; that government by local
westernized elites, which persecute Islam and true
Muslims, is nothing but co]onialism from within.
None of the Muslim states have been able to solve
any of the social, economic, political or cultural
conflicts inherited by them from colonialism. The
conflict of these secular nationalist states with
Muslim majorities against the genuine Islamic
elements in their own countries is meanwhile
supported by the combined strength of Zionism,
Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Christian
m1ss10nary activity, Freemasonry and their
organized power bases in America, Israel, the Soviet
Union, China and India. Although enormous
wealth of oil resources on a scale undreamt of
before, have become available to some of the
Muslim states of western Asia, none of these
material advantages has been able to arrest and
reverse the rapid decay of Islamic civilization
which is continuing today with ever growing
speed at the hands of the Muslims themselves.
Book authoring a small book in size to a large extent in the study and science where the book deals with an Islamic study in terms of the role of Islam in the return of mental freedom and the liberation of human thought politically, socially and religiously.
Maryam Jameelah - ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ WESTERNIZATION AND HUMAN WELFARE ❝ ❞ Islam and our social habits ❝ ❞ The Resurgence of Islam And our Liberation from the Colonial Yoke ❝ ❞ ISlAM AND WESTERN SOCIETY ❝ ❞ Western imperialism menaces Muslims ❝ ❞ Islam Versus Ahl Al Kitab Past and Present ❝ ❞ Why I embraced ISLAM ❝ ❞ How I Discovered The Holy Quran ❝ ❞ Is Western Civilization Universal ❝ ❱
من كتب اسلامية باللغة الانجليزية كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.