📘 قراءة كتاب Equine Geriatric Medicine and Surgery أونلاين

Gordon J. Baker, BVSc, PhD,MRCVS,DACVS
Professor and Head (Retired)
Equine Medicine and Surgery
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois
Dentistry in the Geriatric Horse
Joseph J. Bertone,DVM,MS,DACVIM
Professor, Equine Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine
Western University of Health Sciences
Pomona, California
What Is an “Old Horse” and Its Recent Impact?
Neurologic Disease in Geriatric Horses
Mark Bowen, BVetMed
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
RoyalVeterinary College
University of London
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
Cardiac Disease in the Geriatric Horse
Carolyn L. Butler,MS
Lincoln, Nebraska
Euthanasia and Grief Support Techniques in an Equine
Bond-Centered Practice
Elaine M. Carnevale,DVM, PhD
Equine Reproduction Lab
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado
Reproductive Disorders
Julie A. Cary,DVM,MS,DACVS
New River, Arizona
Geriatric Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Horse
Keith J. Chandler BVMS, CertEP,MRCVS
Lecturer in Equine Medicine
Veterinary Clinical Studies
University of Edinburgh
Midlothian, Scotland
Dentistry in the Geriatric Horse
Eye Disease in Geriatric Horses
Noah D. Cohen,VMD, MPH, PhD,
Associate Professor
Large Animal Medicine & Surgery
College of Veterinary Medicine
Texas A&M University
College Station,Texas
Gastrointestinal Medicine
Elizabeth G. Davis,DVM,DACVIM
Clinical Instructor
Clinical Sciences
Kansas State University
Manhattan, Kansas
Respiratory Disease in the Geriatric Equine Patient
Thomas J. Divers,DVM,DACVIM,
Professor of Medicine
Clinical Science
Cornell University
Ithaca,New York
Urinary Tract Disorders in Geriatric Horses
Lydia L. Donaldson,VMD, PhD,DACVA
Assistant Professor
Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary
Anesthetic Considerations for the Geriatric Equine
Daniel Q. Estep, PhD,CAAB
Vice President
Animal Behavior Associates, Inc.
Littleton, Colorado
Interactions with Horses and the Human-Animal Bond
A.T. Fischer,DVM,DACVS
Chino Valley Equine Hospital
Chino, California
Abdominal Surgery in the Geriatric Equine
Robert E. Holland Jr.,
Holland Management Services, Inc.
Conditions, Diseases and Injuries of the Older Horses
for Horse Owners
There was a time, not too long ago, that it seemed
that a 16-year-old horse was past its prime and
horses over 20 years old were “old horses” rarely being
treated with anything more than deworming medications
and vaccinations.Almost all were on a short list to
euthanasia, or relegated to renderers, pet food, or the
human food supply abroad. Well clearly that has
changed. In polling audiences, this author and editor has
found that the majority of veterinarians (with a few
years experience) are convinced they manage many
more old horses now than they did in the 1980s or
before. Society seems far less comfortable with euthanasia
of healthy horses, even if they happen to have some
years on them.This trend is clearly evident in the publication
of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners’, Care Guidelines for Equine Rescue and
Retirement Facilities, 2004. Search the web and in
excess of 30 retirement homes for horses are available.
That is supply trying to meet demand.
Horse owners and trainers have discovered, many of
them a long time ago, that the older horses get, the
greater value these individuals can have outside the
show ring, or as active campaigners, or as child care
givers.They bring comfort to many owners that just like
to know that the pasture isn’t empty and that an old
friend is putting the space to good use.
Geriatric medicine and surgery is not glamorous
work.The Geritol Derby and the Barren Mare’s Cup are
having trouble finding sponsorship.However,many veterinarians
know that working with older horses and the
clients who care for them can be very satisfying.These
horses may not be campaigners or trophy winners, but
often they are part of a family.They may be a tradition in
the barn like old boots or a comfortable old saddle.They
may be a child’s (or an adult’s) best friend, a challenged
individual’s best chance for therapy, or a troubled youth’s
best shot at rehabilitation. Let’s continue to service these
horses and owners in the best way we can. Both are a
little different from what we normally do. Both need
some special care.
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سنة النشر : 2012م / 1433هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 6.2 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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