📘 قراءة كتاب New Muslim Ramadan Guide أونلاين

What Is Fasting?
Fasting is called sawm in the Qur’an. The word sawm literally means ‘to abstain’. In Surat Maryam, Allah tells us about
Mary, the mother of Jesus, that she said:
I have vowed a fast (sawm) for the sake of the Merciful, so today I shall not speak to anyone. (Maryam 19:26)
The meaning is ‘I have vowed to abstain from speaking to anyone today’. According to Shari`ah, the word sawm
means to abstain from all things that are forbidden during fasting from the break of dawn to the sunset, and to do
this with the intention of fasting.
Why Do Muslims Fast?
The Qur’an says:
O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those who were before you, in
order that you may learn taqwah (God consciousness). (Al-Baqarah 2:183)
Taqwa is a very important spiritual and ethical term mentioned repeatedly in the Qur’an. It is the sum total of all Is-
lamic spirituality and ethics. It is a quality in a believer’s life that keeps him/her God fearing all the time.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that fasting is a shield. It protects a person from sin and lustful desires.
When the disciples of Jesus asked him how to cast the evil spirits away, he is reported to have said:
“But this kind never comes out except by Prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21)
Is It Just about Enduring Hunger, Thirst?
The purpose of fasting is not physical training to endure hunger,
thirst and exhaustion; rather, it is disciplining the ego to relinquish
the loved for the sake of the beloved. The loved are the desires of
eating, drinking, sexual activities etc, while the beloved is Allah,
the Exalted.
Hence, it is imperative to keep in mind when we perform fasting
that we do so only for the sake of Allah. It becomes imperative on
us to try our best to observe the rites that reflect our obedience
to Allah such as the remembrance of Allah, reading the Qur’an,
optional Prayers, charitable deed and donations, good manners.
When a Muslim maintains this attitude throughout the month of
Ramadan, he will definitely come out a better Muslim.
Book author : EDa`wah Committee (EDC)
With the coming of Ramadan, every Muslim has to prepare himself for that blessed month. This book tackles the most important issues that a Muslim has to be aware of before going on fasting. It tries to present the rulings of fasting as well as the spiritual objectives for which fasting was obligated. Take your time in going through this helpful book and we hope that we provided something that has been beneficial for you.
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