📘 قراءة كتاب رياض الاطفال المستتوي الثاني Discover الفصل الدراسي الاول أونلاين

Show the third axis How the world works
level one
Chapter one..the movement of things
The project... Creating an idea for the movement of things on different surfaces
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Show the third axis How the world works
level one
Chapter Two..Sun and Shadow
The project ...... Make an umbrella and test its ability to provide shade
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Show the third axis How the world works
level one
Chapter Three..Where can I buy?
The project..... Making a market with children with professions and products in the market at prices and exchange of currencies
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Presentation of the fourth axis..communication
level one
Chapter one...a garden of paper
The project ... collective artwork, a garden of paper and various materials to simulate flowers, plants and trees
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Presentation of the fourth axis of communication
level one
Chapter Two... Expressing feelings through drawing
The project ... an art exhibition
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Presentation of the fourth axis of communication
level one
Chapter Three... A Message Across the Nile
The project... Design work for a boat
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Show the third axis How the world works
Second Level
Chapter One..Welcome to our community
The project..... Preparing a booklet for the city in which the child lives
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Show the third axis How the world works
Second Level
Chapter Two..Playing with new friends
The project.....Designing a game with new goals and rules
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Show the third axis How the world works
Second Level
Chapter Three..to the market
The project..... Representing roles in the market as sellers and determining the cost of products
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Presentation of the fourth axis...communication
Second Level
The first chapter... the rhythm of music
The project.....Designing musical instruments and creating a band for a party
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Presentation of the fourth axis...communication
Second Level
Chapter Two.....Stories We Tell Drawing
The project ..... an exhibition of artworks for all the artworks that were implemented during the semester (designing an invitation to attend the art exhibition / stereoscopic work of an imaginary city....
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Presentation of the fourth axis...communication
Second Level
Chapter Three...Friendship
The project ..... Designing an album for the class for friendship / setting rules for a game that children can share together
كتاب رياض اطفال المستوى الاول
دليل المعلم رياض اطفال 2020
دليل المعلم اكتشف kg2 الترم الثاني
كتاب رياض الاطفال المستوى الثاني
منهج كي جي 2 الترم الاول
كتاب اكتشف kg2 الترم الثاني
منهج كي جي 2 عربي PDF
كتب كي جي تو
سنة النشر : 2019م / 1440هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 17.9 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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