🏆 💪 أكثر الكتب تحميلاً في سلسلة كتب For Dummies:
تعلم الانجليزية حتى الاحتراف Express English PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب تعلم الانجليزية حتى الاحتراف Express English PDF مجانا
تكلم الانجليزية بدون معلم للمبتدئين PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب تكلم الانجليزية بدون معلم للمبتدئين PDF مجانا
سلسلة كتب For Dummies من افضل الكتب اللي هتكون صاحبتك في التعليم الذاتي و اللي بتعلم كل حاجة
باسلوب سهل و بسيط مكتوب عليها من برا Making Everything Easier و هي فعلا بتبسط كل حاجة و سهلة جدا
كل كتاب فيها بيتكلم عن حاجة معينة ( برمجة، علوم، رياضة، كهربا، ميكانيكا، روبوتات ) غالبا اي حاجة نفسك تتعلمها هتلاقي ليها كتاب في السلسلة دي
For Dummies is an extensive series of instructional/reference books which are intended to present non-intimidating guides for readers new to the various topics covered. The series has been a worldwide success with editions in numerous languages.
The books are an example of a media franchise, consistently sporting a distinctive cover—usually yellow and black with a triangular-headed cartoon figure known as the "Dummies Man", and an informal, blackboard-style logo. Prose is simple and direct; bold icons, such as a piece of string tied around an index finger, are placed in the margin to indicate particularly important passages.
Almost all Dummies books are organized around sections called "parts", which are groups of related chapters. Parts are almost always preceded by a Rich Tennant comic that refers to some part of the subject under discussion, though the comics were discontinued in 2012.[1] Sometimes the same Tennant drawing reappears in another Dummies book with a new caption.
Another constant in the Dummies series is "The Part of Tens", a section at the end of the books where lists of 10 items are included. They are usually resources for further study and sometimes also include amusing bits of information that do not fit readily elsewhere.
The first title, DOS For Dummies,[2] was written by Dan Gookin and published in November 1991 by IDG Books. DOS For Dummies became popular due to the rarity of beginner-friendly materials for using DOS. The Windows title written by Andy Rathbone was soon released. While initially the series focused solely on software and technology topics, it later branched out to more general-interest titles, with topics as diverse as Acne For Dummies, Chess For Dummies, Fishing For Dummies and many other topics. The series is now published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,[3] which acquired Hungry Minds (the new name for IDG Books as of 2000) in early 2001.
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مناقشات واقتراحات حول صفحة سلسلة كتب For Dummies: