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المزيد من الكتب الأكثر تحميلاً في العلوم القانونية

📚 عرض جميع كتب العلوم القانونية:

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: Predicted Speciation of Carbon in Subduction Zone Fluids PDF

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: Free Energies of Reaction for Aqueous Glycine Condensation Chemistry at Extreme Temperatures PDF

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: The Changing Character of Carbon in Fluids with Pressure: Organic Geochemistry of Earth's Upper Mantle Fluids PDF

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: Experimental Determination of Calcite Solubility in H2O‐KCl‐NaCl‐LiCl Solutions at 700°C and 8 kbar PDF

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: The Effect of Variable Na/K on the CO2 Content of Slab‐Derived Rhyolitic Melts PDF

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: Carbon Speciation and Solubility in Silicate Melts PDF

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: Reactive Preservation of Carbonate in Earth's Mantle Transition Zone PDF

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: Phase Diagrams of Carbonate Materials at High Pressures, with Implications for Melting and Carbon Cycling in the Deep Earth PDF

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قراءة و تحميل كتاب Carbon in Earth's Interior: High‐Pressure Na‐Ca Carbonates in the Deep Carbon Cycle PDF

Carbon in Earth's Interior: High‐Pressure Na‐Ca Carbonates in the Deep Carbon Cycle PDF

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قراءة و تحميل كتاب Carbon in Earth's Interior: Spin Transition of Iron in Deep‐Mantle Ferromagnesite PDF

Carbon in Earth's Interior: Spin Transition of Iron in Deep‐Mantle Ferromagnesite PDF

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Carbon in Earth's Interior: High‐Pressure Transformations and Stability of Ferromagnesite in the Earth's Mantle PDF

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قراءة و تحميل كتاب Carbon in Earth's Interior: Nitrogen Diffusion in Calcite PDF

Carbon in Earth's Interior: Nitrogen Diffusion in Calcite PDF

قراءة و تحميل كتاب Carbon in Earth's Interior: Nitrogen Diffusion in Calcite PDF مجانا

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