📘 قراءة كتاب F# Deep Dives أونلاين

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تقدم F # Deep Dives مجموعة من تقنيات F # الواقعية ، كل منها كتبها ممارسون خبراء. يقدم كل فصل حالة استخدام جديدة حيث ستقرأ كيف استخدم المؤلف F # لحل مشكلة معقدة بشكل أكثر فاعلية مما كان ممكنًا باستخدام النهج التقليدي. لن ترى فقط كيفية عمل حل معين في مجال معين ، بل ستتعلم أيضًا كيفية تعامل مطوري F # مع المشكلات ، والمفاهيم التي يستخدمونها لحلها ، وكيف يقومون بدمج F # في الأنظمة والبيئات الحالية.
يتضمن شراء الكتاب المطبوع كتابًا إلكترونيًا مجانيًا بتنسيقات PDF و Kindle و ePub من Manning Publications.
حول التكنولوجيا
F # هي لغة برمجة أنيقة ومتعددة المنصات وعملية. باستخدام F # ، ينشئ المطورون برامج متسقة ويمكن التنبؤ بها يسهل اختبارها وإعادة استخدامها ، وأبسط للتوازي ، وأقل عرضة للأخطاء. أثبتت اللغة وأدواتها وأسلوب البرمجة الوظيفية فعاليتها في العديد من مجالات التطبيق مثل المحركات المالية الآمنة وخوارزميات التعلم الآلي والحسابات العلمية وتطبيقات الويب التعاونية والألعاب والمزيد.
F# Deep Dives presents a collection of real-world F# techniques, each written by expert practitioners. Each chapter presents a new use case where you'll read how the author used F# to solve a complex problem more effectively than would have been possible using a traditional approach. You'll not only see how a specific solution works in a specific domain, you'll also learn how F# developers approach problems, what concepts they use to solve them, and how they integrate F# into existing systems and environments.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the Technology
F# is an elegant, cross-platform, functional-first programming language. With F#, developers create consistent and predictable programs that are easier to test and reuse, simpler to parallelize, and less prone to bugs. The language, its tooling, and the functional programming style have proven effective in many application areas like secure financial engines, machine learning algorithms, scientific calculations, collaborative web applications, games, and more.
About the Book
F# Deep Dives is a selection of real-world F# techniques written by expert practitioners. Each chapter presents an important use case where you'll solve a real programming challenge effectively using F# and the functional-first approach. Not only will you see how a specific solution works in a specific domain, but you'll also learn how functional programmers think about problems, how they solve them, and how they integrate F# into existing systems and environments.
Readers should have at least an introductory knowledge of the F# language.
What's Inside
- Numerical computing
- Data visualization
- Business logic
- Domain-specific languages
- Practical solutions to real problems
- Information-rich programming, including LINQ and F# type providers
- Covers F# 3.1 and VS 2013
عن الكتاب
F # Deep Dives هي مجموعة مختارة من تقنيات F # الواقعية كتبها ممارسون خبراء. يقدم كل فصل حالة استخدام مهمة حيث ستحل تحدي برمجة حقيقي بفعالية باستخدام F # والنهج الوظيفي الأول. لن ترى فقط كيف يعمل حل معين في مجال معين ، ولكنك ستتعلم أيضًا كيف يفكر المبرمجون الوظيفيون في المشكلات ، وكيف يتم حلها ، وكيف يقومون بدمج F # في الأنظمة والبيئات الحالية.
يجب أن يكون لدى القراء معرفة تمهيدية على الأقل بلغة F #.
F# Deep Dives presents a collection of real-world F# techniques, each written by expert practitioners. Each chapter presents a new use case where you'll read how the author used F# to solve a complex problem more effectively than would have been possible using a traditional approach. You'll not only see how a specific solution works in a specific domain, you'll also learn how F# developers approach problems, what concepts they use to solve them, and how they integrate F# into existing systems and environments.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
About the Technology
F# is an elegant, cross-platform, functional-first programming language. With F#, developers create consistent and predictable programs that are easier to test and reuse, simpler to parallelize, and less prone to bugs. The language, its tooling, and the functional programming style have proven effective in many application areas like secure financial engines, machine learning algorithms, scientific calculations, collaborative web applications, games, and more.
About the Book
F# Deep Dives is a selection of real-world F# techniques written by expert practitioners. Each chapter presents an important use case where you'll solve a real programming challenge effectively using F# and the functional-first approach. Not only will you see how a specific solution works in a specific domain, but you'll also learn how functional programmers think about problems, how they solve them, and how they integrate F# into existing systems and environments.
Readers should have at least an introductory knowledge of the F# language.
What's Inside
- Numerical computing
- Data visualization
- Business logic
- Domain-specific languages
- Practical solutions to real problems
- Information-rich programming, including LINQ and F# type providers
- Covers F# 3.1 and VS 2013
سنة النشر : 2014م / 1435هـ .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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