📘 قراءة كتاب Cybersecurity For Dummies 2ed أونلاين

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حماية عملك وعائلتك من الهجمات الإلكترونية
الأمن السيبراني هو الحماية ضد الاستخدام غير المصرح به أو الإجرامي للبيانات الإلكترونية وممارسة ضمان سلامة المعلومات وسريتها وتوافرها. كونك "آمنًا عبر الإنترنت" يعني أن شخصًا أو منظمة قد قامت بحماية نفسها ضد هجمات مجرمي الإنترنت وغيرهم من الأوغاد عبر الإنترنت ، وتأكدت من قدرتها على التعافي في حالة تعرضها للهجوم.
إذا كان الحفاظ على عملك أو عائلتك في مأمن من تهديدات الأمن السيبراني مدرجًا في قائمة مهامك ، فإن Cybersecurity For Dummies سيقدم لك أساسيات أن تصبح آمنًا عبر الإنترنت! ستتعرف على التهديدات الموجودة وكيفية تحديد هذه التهديدات والحماية منها واكتشافها والرد عليها ، بالإضافة إلى كيفية التعافي إذا تم اختراقك!
من ولماذا من تهديدات الأمن السيبراني
مفاهيم الأمن السيبراني الأساسية
ما يجب القيام به لتكون آمنًا عبر الإنترنت
وظائف الأمن السيبراني
ما الذي يجب التفكير فيه للبقاء آمنًا عبر الإنترنت في المستقبل
حان الوقت الآن لتحديد نقاط الضعف التي قد تجعلك ضحية للجرائم الإلكترونية - والدفاع عن نفسك قبل فوات الأوان.
Protect your business and family against cyber attacks
Cybersecurity is the protection against the unauthorized or criminal use of electronic data and the practice of ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information. Being "cyber-secure" means that a person or organization has both protected itself against attacks by cyber criminals and other online scoundrels, and ensured that it has the ability to recover if it is attacked.
If keeping your business or your family safe from cybersecurity threats is on your to-do list, Cybersecurity For Dummies will introduce you to the basics of becoming cyber-secure! You’ll learn what threats exist, and how to identify, protect against, detect, and respond to these threats, as well as how to recover if you have been breached!
- The who and why of cybersecurity threats
- Basic cybersecurity concepts
- What to do to be cyber-secure
- Cybersecurity careers
- What to think about to stay cybersecure in the future
Now is the time to identify vulnerabilities that may make you a victim of cyber-crime — and to defend yourself before it is too late.
Editorial Reviews
From the Inside Flap
- Evaluate possible cybersecurity threats
- Protect your family and business against potential breaches
- Identify the steps for recovery after a cyber attack
Keep your family and business safe!
Do you know the common cyber threats? How to defend against them? What to do if your personal or business information is compromised? Cybersecurity For Dummies gives you all that information and much more, in language you can understand without a PhD in technology. It starts with an explanation of the types of threats and how they work and then shows you how to locate and shore up vulnerabilities. You'll find steps for recovering from a breach if one happens and a section devoted just to business security. Be prepared and be safe!
- Defining cybersecurity
- Readily available tools
- How to avoid being a target
- Protecting your personal stuff
- Threats to small businesses
- How to handle a breach
- Tips for planning ahead
- Careers in cybersecurity
From the Back Cover
- Evaluate possible cybersecurity threats
- Protect your family and business against potential breaches
- Identify the steps for recovery after a cyber attack
Keep your family and business safe!
Do you know the common cyber threats? How to defend against them? What to do if your personal or business information is compromised? Cybersecurity For Dummies gives you all that information and much more, in language you can understand without a PhD in technology. It starts with an explanation of the types of threats and how they work and then shows you how to locate and shore up vulnerabilities. You'll find steps for recovering from a breach if one happens and a section devoted just to business security. Be prepared and be safe!
- Defining cybersecurity
- Readily available tools
- How to avoid being a target
- Protecting your personal stuff
- Threats to small businesses
- How to handle a breach
- Tips for planning ahead
- Careers in cybersecurity
سنة النشر : 2021م / 1442هـ .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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For Dummies