❞ كتاب Subject access  code of practice ❝

❞ كتاب Subject access code of practice ❝

1. About this code of practice 4
Purpose of the code 4
Who should use the code? 4
The code’s status 4
More information 5
2. Overview of subject access 6
What is subject access? 6
Does a subject access request have to
be in a particular format? 6
How much is the fee? 6
What information is an individual
entitled to? 7
What is the time limit for responding? 7
Is any information exempt from
subject access? 7
3. Taking a positive approach to
subject access 8
4. Recognising a subject access request 10
What is a subject access request? 10
Formal requirements 10
Subject access requests and
social media 11
Requests made on behalf of others 11
Requests for information about children 12
Dealing with freedom of information
requests for the requester’s
personal data 13
5. Responding to a subject access
request – general considerations 16
Subject access is a right of access to the
personal data of a particular individual 16
Responsibility of the data controller 16
Information management systems 17
Time limits 17
Fees and cost limits 18
Making reasonable adjustments for
disabled people 19
Confirming the requester’s identity 19
Where a requester dies before the
response is provided 21
Dealing with bulk requests 21
6. Finding and retrieving the relevant
information 23
Extent of the duty to provide
subject access 23
Clarifying the request 23
Electronic records 25
Archived information and back-up records 25
Deleted information 26
Information contained in emails 26
Information stored on personal
computer equipment 27
Other records 27
Amending data following receipt of a
subject access request 28
7. Dealing with subject access requests
involving other people’s information 30
The basic rule 30
Three-step approach to dealing with
information about third parties 31
Confidentiality 32
Other relevant factors 33
Responding to the request 33
8. Supplying information to the requester 35
Information that must be supplied 35
Deciding what information to supply 36
Form in which the information must
be supplied 36
Explaining the information supplied 37
Supplying information in permanent
form — how the ‘disproportionate effort’
exception applies 38
Dealing with repeated or unreasonable
requests 39
9. Exemptions 41
Exemptions and restrictions – general 41
Confidential references 41
Publicly available information 43
Crime and taxation 43
Management information 45
Negotiations with the requester 45
Regulatory activity 46
Legal advice and proceedings 46
Social work records 47
Health and education records 48
Other exemptions 48
10. Special cases 49
Credit files 49
Health records 49
Information held about pupils by schools 51
Information about examinations 53
11. Enforcing the right of subject access 54
Information Commissioner’s
enforcement powers 54
Enforcement by court order 55
Awards of compensation 55
Appendix – Subject access request checklist 56

من كتب فجوال بيسك دوت نت كتب لغات البرمجة - مكتبة كتب تقنية المعلومات.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Subject access code of practice

1. About this code of practice 4
Purpose of the code 4
Who should use the code? 4
The code’s status 4
More information 5
2. Overview of subject access 6
What is subject access? 6
Does a subject access request have to
be in a particular format? 6
How much is the fee? 6
What information is an individual
entitled to? 7
What is the time limit for responding? 7
Is any information exempt from
subject access? 7
3. Taking a positive approach to
subject access 8
4. Recognising a subject access request 10
What is a subject access request? 10
Formal requirements 10
Subject access requests and
social media 11
Requests made on behalf of others 11
Requests for information about children 12
Dealing with freedom of information
requests for the requester’s
personal data 13
5. Responding to a subject access
request – general considerations 16
Subject access is a right of access to the
personal data of a particular individual 16
Responsibility of the data controller 16
Information management systems 17
Time limits 17
Fees and cost limits 18
Making reasonable adjustments for
disabled people 19
Confirming the requester’s identity 19
Where a requester dies before the
response is provided 21
Dealing with bulk requests 21
6. Finding and retrieving the relevant
information 23
Extent of the duty to provide
subject access 23
Clarifying the request 23
Electronic records 25
Archived information and back-up records 25
Deleted information 26
Information contained in emails 26
Information stored on personal
computer equipment 27
Other records 27
Amending data following receipt of a
subject access request 28
7. Dealing with subject access requests
involving other people’s information 30
The basic rule 30
Three-step approach to dealing with
information about third parties 31
Confidentiality 32
Other relevant factors 33
Responding to the request 33
8. Supplying information to the requester 35
Information that must be supplied 35
Deciding what information to supply 36
Form in which the information must
be supplied 36
Explaining the information supplied 37
Supplying information in permanent
form — how the ‘disproportionate effort’
exception applies 38
Dealing with repeated or unreasonable
requests 39
9. Exemptions 41
Exemptions and restrictions – general 41
Confidential references 41
Publicly available information 43
Crime and taxation 43
Management information 45
Negotiations with the requester 45
Regulatory activity 46
Legal advice and proceedings 46
Social work records 47
Health and education records 48
Other exemptions 48
10. Special cases 49
Credit files 49
Health records 49
Information held about pupils by schools 51
Information about examinations 53
11. Enforcing the right of subject access 54
Information Commissioner’s
enforcement powers 54
Enforcement by court order 55
Awards of compensation 55
Appendix – Subject access request checklist 56


تعليقات القرّاء:

1. About this code of practice 4
Purpose of the code 4
Who should use the code? 4
The code’s status 4
More information 5
2. Overview of subject access 6
What is subject access? 6
Does a subject access request have to
be in a particular format? 6
How much is the fee? 6
What information is an individual
entitled to? 7
What is the time limit for responding? 7
Is any information exempt from
subject access? 7
3. Taking a positive approach to
subject access 8
4. Recognising a subject access request 10
What is a subject access request? 10
Formal requirements 10
Subject access requests and
social media 11
Requests made on behalf of others 11
Requests for information about children 12
Dealing with freedom of information
requests for the requester’s
personal data 13
5. Responding to a subject access
request – general considerations 16
 Subject access is a right of access to the
personal data of a particular individual 16
Responsibility of the data controller 16
Information management systems 17
Time limits 17
Fees and cost limits 18
 Making reasonable adjustments for
disabled people 19
     Confirming the requester’s identity     19
 Where a requester dies before the
response is provided 21
Dealing with bulk requests 21
6. Finding and retrieving the relevant
information 23
Extent of the duty to provide
subject access 23
Clarifying the request 23
Electronic records 25
 Archived information and back-up records 25
 Deleted information 26
 Information contained in emails 26
 Information stored on personal
 computer equipment 27
Other records 27
 Amending data following receipt of a
subject access request 28
7. Dealing with subject access requests
involving other people’s information 30
The basic rule 30
 Three-step approach to dealing with
information about third parties 31
     Confidentiality 32
Other relevant factors 33
Responding to the request 33
8. Supplying information to the requester 35
Information that must be supplied 35
Deciding what information to supply 36
Form in which the information must
be supplied 36
Explaining the information supplied 37
 Supplying information in permanent
form — how the ‘disproportionate effort’
exception applies 38
Dealing with repeated or unreasonable
requests 39
9. Exemptions 41
Exemptions and restrictions – general 41
     Confidential references 41
Publicly available information 43
Crime and taxation 43
Management information 45
Negotiations with the requester 45
Regulatory activity 46
Legal advice and proceedings 46
Social work records 47
Health and education records 48
Other exemptions 48
10. Special cases 49
     Credit files 49
Health records 49
Information held about pupils by schools 51
Information about examinations 53
11. Enforcing the right of subject access 54
 Information Commissioner’s
enforcement powers 54
Enforcement by court order 55
Awards of compensation 55
Appendix – Subject access request checklist 56




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