📘 قراءة مذكّرة Computer Viruses أونلاين

IT Information Sheet 3
Computer Viruses
A computer virus is a program that is designed to damage or disrupt the normal functions of your computer and
its files.
Like biological viruses, computer viruses attach themselves
to a host, usually a program file, data file, or a file
in your computer's operating system. From here, it replicates itself, spreading the infection to other files.
How viruses are transmitted from computer to computer
Viruses can find their way onto your computer in many different ways.
Viruses can be transmitted by email, in downloads from the internet, through network connections, by floppy
disks or by CDs, particular those that have been burnt on a computer infected by viruses.
Common types of computers viruses
Computer viruses can cause very serious damage to your
computer's program and data
files, as well as affect
your computers hardware, such as your hard drive. What
a particular virus will do to your computer depends on
how it was programmed when created.
The basic types of viruses are -
Worm Viruses
Worm viruses are self-contained programs that rema
in hidden and propagate via email or duplication,
modify existing software so that when run, the legitimate program spawns copies of the virus, which is
then forwarded on in email or other files.
Boot viruses
Boot viruses attack the boot sectors on your hard drive and interfere with your computer's basic
operation, making your operating system run strangely or even corrupt it all together.
Macro viruses
Macro viruses tend to attack data files, like word documents and spreadsheets, causing you to loose files
or cause your word or excel software to not work properly.
Trojan viruses
Trojan viruses pretend to be other software, hence their name as in the Trojan Horse. Trojan viruses
pretend to be a legitimate piece of software, but in
reality can attack your hard drives, deleting files and
re-writing system files, causing your computer to become unstable, particular when operating system files
are deleted.
The virus pdf
viruses ppt
zika virus ppt
zika virus بالعربي
virus definition
virus structure
virus zika
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