❞ كتاب Sarcopenia in chronic liver diseases ❝ ⏤ مجموعة من المؤلفين
Background: Sarcopenia is defined as a muscle mass two standard deviations below the
healthy young adult mean, and although it is associated with aging, it can also be present as a
result of chronic diseases and malignancy, and it ultimately leads to decreased functional
capacity and higher risk of morbidity and mortality in different groups of patients. Aim of
The work: The aim of this study is to investigate the frequency of sarcopenia in HCV
induced chronic liver diseases. Subjects and Methods: This case control hospital based study
recruited patients with HCV-induced chronic liver disease of different functional grades
according to Child-Pough and Meld scores and a group of healthy subjects as controls. All
participants were assessed for demographic, hematological, and biochemical liver and renal
profiles. Radiological diagnostic parameters of sarcopenia were determined by subjecting all
participants to MDCT abdominal scan at the level of psoas muscle. Results: Using computed
tomography measurement of psoas muscle thickness/height as a diagnostic validated test for
sarcopenia, sarcopenia was detected in 52.5% of our liver cirrhosis patients. Conclusion and
future recommendations In conclusion, sarcopenia is a common complication of cirrhosis
and adversely affects survival, quality of life, and response to stress including infection and
مجموعة من المؤلفين - "مجموعة من المؤلفين"، هو ركن للكتب التي شارك في تأليفها أكتر من كاتب ومؤلف، وهو قسم مميز مليء بالكتب التي تعددت الجهود في إخراجها على أكمل الوجوه.
من كتب الطب البشري - مكتبة كتب الطب.