📘 قراءة كتاب Cambridge English: Preliminary أونلاين

Cambridge English: Preliminary
Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools
Cambridge English: Preliminary Wordlist
a/an (det)
ability (n)
able (adj)
• be able to
about (adv & prep)
• about 500 students (adv)
• The film is about a small boy. (prep)
above (adj, adv & prep)
abroad (adv)
absent (adj)
absolutely (adv)
• The movie was absolutely awful.
• She has a beautiful French accent.
accept (v)
access (n)
• disabled access
• internet access
accident (n)
accommodation (n)
accompany (v)
according to (prep phr)
account (n)
accountant (n)
accurate (adj)
ache (n)
achieve (v)
across (adv & prep)
act (n & v)
• in the second act (of the play) (n)
• to act in a play (v)
• to act strangely (v)
action (n)
active (adj)
activity (n)
actor (n)
actress (n)
actually (adv)
• She seems a bit strict at first, but she's actually very nice.
• Are you actually going to take the job?
ad (advertisement) (n)
add (v)
addition (n)
• in addition
address (n)
admire (v)
admission (n)
• charges/cost/price
admit (v)
adult (adj & n)
advance (n)
• book in advance
advanced (adj)
advantage (n)
adventure (n)
advert (n)
advertise (v)
advertisement (n)
advice (n)
advise (v)
aeroplane (n)
afford (v)
afraid (adj)
after (adv,conj & prep)
afternoon (n)
afterwards (adv)
again (adv)
against (prep)
age (n)
agency (n)
ago (adv)
agree (v)
ahead (adv)
aim (n & v)
air (n)
air conditioning (n)
air force (n)
airline (n)
airport (n)
alarm (n)
alarm clock (n)
album (n)
alike (adv)
alive (adj)
all (adj, adv, det & pron)
all right/alright (adj,adv & exclam)
allow (v)
almost (adv)
alone (adv & adj)
along (adv & prep)
aloud (adv)
alphabet (n)
already (adv)
also (adv)
although (conj)
altogether (adv)
always (adv)
a.m (adv)
amazed (adj)
amazing (adj)
ambition (n)
ambulance (n)
among (amongst) (prep)
amount (n)
amusing (adj)
an (det)
ancient (adj)
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