❞ كتاب Linux Crash Course ❝

❞ كتاب Linux Crash Course ❝

Linux Crash Course
Prepared by Amgad Madkour
by Amgad Madkour
z First Session:
z Introduction To Linux
z Second Session:
z Linux from a graphical point of view
z Third Session:
z Linux from a shell point of view
Introduction to Linux
What is Linux ?
z Linux is a free open-source operating system (OS -
Similar to Windows or MAC) based on Unix
z Linux was originally created by Linus Torvalds with
the assistance of developers from around the globe
z Linux is becoming popular as a powerful, low-cost
operating system for running servers
z The source code for Linux is freely available to
z Linux is sometimes referred to as GNU/Linux
Why Linux ? (Users)
z Wide range of applications that run on Linux and
with no charge!
z New easy to use user interface (KDE,GNOME)
z It runs Win3x,95,98,etc. Some programs, not all.
Your programs will run and look the same as in
z Free upgrades including the programs that you
installed and security patches
z Viruses Are Few and Far Between
Why Linux ? (Developers)
z Development tools, such as compilers for the C,
C++, Ada, Fortran, Pascal and other languages, are
included as well as Perl, PHP and Python
z Enhanced stability/Memory management makes it
an ultimate developers platform
z Can be incorporated directly into microchips in a
process called "embedding" and is increasingly
being used this way in appliances and devices.
Why Linux ? (Administrators)
z Very efficient and fast-performing system
z Due to its stability, Linux has gained popularity with
ISPs as the OS for hosting Web servers
z Runs on a variety of hardware platforms including
x86 PCs, Alpha, PowerPC and IBM's product line
z Linux Is Configurable for system administrators
z Interoperability , Linux includes Samba, software
that allows Linux to act as a client on a Microsoft
Windows-based network
Linux VS Windows
z Linux is customizable in a way that Windows is not
z Linux provides superior security compared to
Windows systems
z Linux drivers are hard to find for some hardware
unlike windows , but this has changed in the last
period were we are seeing a lot of hardware
companies support linux
z Freedom of choice Is rather a great advantage
under Linux platform more than windows when it
comes to application usage -
من كتب لينكس كتب أنظمة التشغيل - مكتبة كتب تقنية المعلومات.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
Linux Crash Course

Linux Crash Course
Prepared by Amgad Madkour
by Amgad Madkour
z First Session:
z Introduction To Linux
z Second Session:
z Linux from a graphical point of view
z Third Session:
z Linux from a shell point of view
Introduction to Linux
What is Linux ?
z Linux is a free open-source operating system (OS -
Similar to Windows or MAC) based on Unix
z Linux was originally created by Linus Torvalds with
the assistance of developers from around the globe
z Linux is becoming popular as a powerful, low-cost
operating system for running servers
z The source code for Linux is freely available to
z Linux is sometimes referred to as GNU/Linux
Why Linux ? (Users)
z Wide range of applications that run on Linux and
with no charge!
z New easy to use user interface (KDE,GNOME)
z It runs Win3x,95,98,etc. Some programs, not all.
Your programs will run and look the same as in
z Free upgrades including the programs that you
installed and security patches
z Viruses Are Few and Far Between
Why Linux ? (Developers)
z Development tools, such as compilers for the C,
C++, Ada, Fortran, Pascal and other languages, are
included as well as Perl, PHP and Python
z Enhanced stability/Memory management makes it
an ultimate developers platform
z Can be incorporated directly into microchips in a
process called "embedding" and is increasingly
being used this way in appliances and devices.
Why Linux ? (Administrators)
z Very efficient and fast-performing system
z Due to its stability, Linux has gained popularity with
ISPs as the OS for hosting Web servers
z Runs on a variety of hardware platforms including
x86 PCs, Alpha, PowerPC and IBM's product line
z Linux Is Configurable for system administrators
z Interoperability , Linux includes Samba, software
that allows Linux to act as a client on a Microsoft
Windows-based network
Linux VS Windows
z Linux is customizable in a way that Windows is not
z Linux provides superior security compared to
Windows systems
z Linux drivers are hard to find for some hardware
unlike windows , but this has changed in the last
period were we are seeing a lot of hardware
companies support linux
z Freedom of choice Is rather a great advantage
under Linux platform more than windows when it
comes to application usage

تعليقات القرّاء:

z First Session:
z Introduction To Linux
z Second Session:
z Linux from a graphical point of view
z Third Session:
z Linux from a shell point of view
Introduction to Linux
What is Linux ?
z Linux is a free open-source operating system (OS -
Similar to Windows or MAC) based on Unix
z Linux was originally created by Linus Torvalds with
the assistance of developers from around the globe
z Linux is becoming popular as a powerful, low-cost
operating system for running servers
z The source code for Linux is freely available to
z Linux is sometimes referred to as GNU/Linux
Why Linux ? (Users)
z Wide range of applications that run on Linux and
with no charge!
z New easy to use user interface (KDE,GNOME)
z It runs Win3x,95,98,etc. Some programs, not all.
Your programs will run and look the same as in
z Free upgrades including the programs that you
installed and security patches
z Viruses Are Few and Far Between 
Why Linux ? (Developers)
z Development tools, such as compilers for the C,
C++, Ada, Fortran, Pascal and other languages, are
included as well as Perl, PHP and Python
z Enhanced stability/Memory management makes it
an ultimate developers platform
z Can be incorporated directly into microchips in a
process called "embedding" and is increasingly
being used this way in appliances and devices.
Why Linux ? (Administrators)
z Very efficient and fast-performing system
z Due to its stability, Linux has gained popularity with
ISPs as the OS for hosting Web servers
z Runs on a variety of hardware platforms including
x86 PCs, Alpha, PowerPC and IBM's product line
z Linux Is Configurable for system administrators
z Interoperability , Linux includes Samba, software
that allows Linux to act as a client on a Microsoft
Windows-based network 
Linux VS Windows
z Linux is customizable in a way that Windows is not
z Linux provides superior security compared to
Windows systems
z Linux drivers are hard to find for some hardware
unlike windows , but this has changed in the last
period were we are seeing a lot of hardware
companies support linux
z Freedom of choice Is rather a great advantage
under Linux platform more than windows when it

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حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 351.1 كيلوبايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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