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Essentials_of_Pediatrics Seventh Edition
by Marcdante
The resource of choice for pediatric residencies, clerkships, and exams, nelson essentials of pediatrics continues to provide a focused overview of the core knowledge in pediatrics. Succinct, targeted coverage of normal childhood growth and development, as well as the diagnosis, management and prevention of common pediatric diseases and disorders, make this an ideal medical reference book for students, pediatric residents, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Features of bookefficiently review essential, concise pediatric content with this popular extension of the nelson textbook of pediatrics. Focus on the core knowledge needed for your student's pediatric clerkships or rotations with coverage that follows the comsep curriculum guidelines. Easily refer to complex aspects with a full-color layout and images, as well as numerous tables throughout the text. Table of contentssection 1: the profession of pediatrics benjamin s. Siegel, joel j. Alpert and rick goldsteinpopulation and cultureprofessionalismethicspalliative care and end-of-life issuessection 2: growth and development david a. Levinenormal growthgrowth disordersnormal developmentdevelopmental disordersevaluation of the well childevaluation of child with specialsection 3 behavioral disorders sheila gahagancrying and colictemper tantrumsattention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderelimination controlnormal sleep and pediatric sleep disorderssection 4 psychiatric disorders russell scheffersomatoform disordersanxiety and phobiasdepression and bipolar disordersobsessive-compulsive disorderpervasive developmental disorders and psychosessection 5 psychosocial issues cindy w. Christian and nathan j. Blumfailure to thrivechild abuse and neglecthomosexuality and gender identityfamily structure and functionviolencedivorce, separation and bereavementsection 6 pediatric nutrition and nutritional disorders nancy f.
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سنة النشر : 2015م / 1436هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 12.7 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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