📘 قراءة كتاب General Surgery & Urology أونلاين

اقتباسات من كتاب General Surgery & Urology

علم التشريح والأنسجة
علم وظائف الأعضاء
علم الأمراض
علم التخدير والعناية المركزة
علم الأدوية والعلاجيات
علم الكيمياء الحيوية
علم الكائنات الدقيقة
طب الباطنة
طب النساء والولادة
طب الأطفال
طب الطوارئ
طب وجراحة الأنف والأذن والحنجرة
طب وجراحة العيون
جراحة العظام
طب التخدير والعناية المركزة او طب العناية الحثيثة
الأشعة والتصوير الطبي
الأمراض الجلدية
الطب النفسي
طب الأسرة والمجتمع
التعليم الطبي
الطب البشرى العام
كتاب الطب الباطني باللغة العربية
كتب طبية بصيغة pdf
كتب طبية مترجمة
المكتبة الطبية الشاملة pdf
افضل كتب الطب للمبتدئين
افضل الكتب لطلاب الطب
تحميل كتب جراحة عامة
اكبر مكتبة لتحميل الكتب الطبية مجانا
الطب البشري العام
تعريف الطب البشري
مواد الطب البشري
افضل تخصص في الطب البشري
معلومات عن تخصص الطب
معلومات عن كلية الطب البشري في مصر
كيفية دراسة الطب
هل دراسة الطب صعبة
اقسام كلية الطب البشرى جامعة القاهرة
Surgical and anaesthetic techniques have rapidly evolved over the last two decades,
yet despite improvements in outcome surgery remains inherently risky, particularly in
the emergency setting. Irrespective of speciality, all clinicians need to understand the
principles and practice of surgery, and the role that medical and surgical treatments
play in the integrated care of the patient. Such understanding enables clinicians to make
appropriate and timely referrals and keep their patients fully informed.
Eureka General Surgery & Urology provides the knowledge and skills to understand
the general principles common to all types of surgery, as well as describing the specific
presentations and management of conditions requiring both elective and emergency
The first two chapters cover themes common to all surgical conditions. Chapter 1
describes the appropriate manner in which to prepare patients for surgery; the steps
required to ensure the safety of the patient during surgery; and the principles of
postoperative management necessary for a rapid recovery. Chapter 2 discusses the clinical
features common to many surgical conditions and the range of investigative options
available to the clinician.
Each of the following chapters covers the most important surgical conditions affecting
the organ systems that fall under the broad umbrella of general surgery and urology. The
relevant core sciences underpinning these conditions are described at the start of each
chapter, and serve as an introduction to the subsequent discussion of the diseases and
their management. Two final chapters include, firstly, descriptions of the presentation and
management of common surgical emergencies and secondly, SBA questions with detailed
The importance of performing the correct operation, on the right patient, in a timely
fashion and with the safest possible outcome should never be under-estimated. I hope
Eureka General Surgery & Urology provides all medical students with an appreciation of
these principles, and a solid basis for all those who proceed into surgical training.
General Surgery & Urology
Stephen Parker BSc MS DipMedEd
Consultant Breast and General
Paediatric Surgeon
St Mary’s Hospital
Newport, UK
Series Editors
Janine Henderson MRCPsych
MB BS Programme Director
Hull York Medical School
York, UK
David Oliveira PhD FRCP
Professor of Renal Medicine
St George’s, University of London
London, UK
Stephen Parker BSc MS DipMedEd
Consultant Breast and General
Paediatric Surgeon
St Mary’s Hospital
Newport, UK
Abdominal aortic aneurysm 210,
aetiology 210
clinical features 210–211
conservative management
diagnostic approach 211
endovascular aneurysm repair
epidemiology 210
investigations 211, 211
open aneurysm surgery 212
prognosis 212
ruptured 211
Abdominal distension 31–32
Abdominal examination 29
auscultation 30–31
palpation 29, 30
percussion 30, 31
Abdominal incision 39, 39
Abdominal masses 32–33, 33
Abdominal pain 24
in colorectal disease 119
nature of 25
onset of 24
site of 24, 24, 25, 25
Abdominal wall hernias 121
femoral hernias 122–123
incisional hernias 123
inguinal hernia 121–122
obturator hernia 124
spigelian hernias 123
umbilical hernia 123
Abscesses 33–34
Accessory nipples 54
Achalasia 101
balloon dilatation 102
cardiomyotomy 102
clinical features 101–102
diagnostic approach 102,
Acute limb ischaemia 205
aetiology 205
clinical features 205
diagnostic approach 205
emergency embolectomy 206
epidemiology 205
intra-arterial thrombolysis
investigations 206
prognosis 206
Adenomatous polyps 131
Adjuvant therapy 133
Adrenalectomy 85
Adrenal glands, anatomy and
physiology 73, 73
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
(ACTH) 72
Advanced care directive 2
Airway calibre 6, 6
Aldosterone 68, 73, 88, 172
5-Aminosalicyclic acid (5-ASA),
in inflammatory bowel disease
Anal carcinoma 133–134
Anal dilatation 136
Anal fissure 136
Anaplastic signet-ring tumours
Angiodysplasia 228
Angiography 202, 202
Ankle–brachial pressure index
(ABPI) 201
Anorectal sepsis 134
abscesses and fistulae 134
clinical features 134
Goodsall’s rule 134, 135
management 134–135
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 68,
73, 171–172
Appendiceal carcinoid tumours
Appendicitis, acute 222–223
Appendix abscess 223
Appendix mass 223
Arterial blood gases 35–36, 36
Arteriosclerosis 196–197
Ascites 147, 159
aetiology 159, 159
clinical features 159
diagnostic approach 159
management 159
Aspiration pneumonitis 19, 19
Atelectasis 19
Atheroma 196
aetiology 196, 196–197
complicated plaques 197
complications 196
fatty streaks and fibrous
plaques 196, 197
risk factors 196
Axillary surgery, in breast cancer
59–60, 60
Bacteraemia 17
Barrett’s oesophagus 106
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Bile 144–145
Biliary apparatus
extrahepatic 142, 143
intrahepatic 144–145
Biliary colic 151–152
Bilirubin 145
Bladder 169, 169
nerve supply 169–170
sphincters 169
Bladder calculi 180
Bladder cancers 182–183, 183,
Bleeding peptic ulcer 226
Blood tests, in surgical patients
35, 35
Body mass index (BMI) 6
Bowel habit, change in 113–
115, 119 see also Colorectal
Bradycardia 27
Breast 45
anatomy 48, 48–49, 49
سنة النشر : 2015م / 1436هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 35.3 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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