📘 قراءة كتاب A Beginners Guide to Visual Prolog Version 7.1 أونلاين

A Beginners' Guide to Visual Prolog is a comprehensive book for absolute beginners written by Thomas W. de Boer.
The book contains already published material, which is used with permision of the authors.
The current version of the book is devoted to Visual Prolog 7.2.
This book is an introduction. It is meant it is for people, who know little about programming. You should know the basics about computers and that it is possible to program them and that for a program you use a programming language.
What when you know more? Then you should look for other sources.
When you are programmer and know about other languages like Visual Basic or C##, read the book Visual Prolog for Tyros by Eduardo Costa.
When you know about other languages and are curious about Prolog, read the basic tutorials in the Tutorials section of this site.
When you have experience in Prolog programming, look for details about Visual Prolog, object orientation in the advanced tutorials in the Tutorials section of this site and Visual Prolog Language Reference.
The Integrated Development Environment
Simple user interfacing
A closer look at the IDE
Fundamental Prolog
Data modeling in Prolog
Using Forms or Dialogs and Controls: a minimal database
Object oriented programming - classes and objects
Declarations in Visual Prolog
Recursion, lists and sorting
Reading, writing, streams and files
More data structures: Stacks, Queues and Trees
Everything about Dialogs and Forms
List manipulating predicates
For Visual Prolog 7.3
The book is not updated for Visual Prolog 7.3
Examples from A Beginners' Guide to Visual Prolog 7.3 (ZIP format, 440 KB).
For Visual Prolog 7.2
A Beginners' Guide to Visual Prolog 7.2 (PDF format, English 279 pages).
Examples from A Beginners' Guide to Visual Prolog 7.2 (ZIP format, 437 KB).
For Visual Prolog 7.1
A Beginners' Guide to Visual Prolog Version 7.1 (PDF format, English 275 pages).
Examples from A Beginners' Guide to Visual Prolog 7.1 (ZIP format, 445 KB).
A Beginners' Guide to Visual Prolog (PDF format, Chinese, translated by Yi Ding).
See also
فيجوال برولوج pdf
كتب لغة برولوج
اساسيات لغة برولوج
شرح لغة برولوج
كتب الذكاء الاصطناعي pdf
برولوج عملي
لغة البرولوج
visual prolog 5.2 free download
prolog examples
سنة النشر : 2008م / 1429هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 4 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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