📘 قراءة كتاب The Message of The Prophets Seerat أونلاين

(This Address was delivered in the University (New Campus)
at the invitation of the Punjab University Students' Union on
October 22, 1975)
Mr. Vice-Ch~n,cellor, President of the
Students' Union,.Ladies and Gentlemen ! i
I have been invited to speak in this assembly
Q,i the Message of the Holy Prophet's (peace
· and blessings of Allah be upon him) Character.
While. dealing with thjs subject in logical
order, the .first question that presents itself
is, why the message of the seerah of a Prophet
only, and why not of anyone else? And if it has
to be that of a Prophet, why, in particular, that
of the Holy Prophet Mul).ammad (peace· and bles-
sings of Allah be upon him) only, and not of any
of the other Prophets ( on· w~om, too, be peace),
1 http://www.al-maktabeh.com
or that of any of the founders of other religions?
We must deal with this question at the outset
in order that our inind may be fully satisfied
that, in fact, we can obtain guidance not from
any other personality of ancient or modern cele-
brity, but from the character and personality of
a Messenger of God alone, and of all the Mes-
sengers of God and Leaders of Religion it is the
Life of Mul:i.ammad (peace and blessings .of
Allah be upon him) alone from which can be
derived true and comprehensive guidance of
which we stand in sore need today.
Need for the Guidanc~ of Allah
It is an undeniable fact that the source of
all knowledge is. Almighty Allah Who made
this universe and created man to populate it.
Who else except Him can know the realities of
this universe and who else possesses the know-
ledge of human nature and its true elements
save Him alone? The Creator alone knows His
creatures. The creature's awareness is circum-
scribed by what has been revealed to him by
the Creator, for the creature has no independent
means of his own to get at the truth.
The book pdf by Sayyid Abul A'la Maududi deals with the study of the Lord's Prophets as independent religions, an analytical study with a seamless narrative.
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