📘 قراءة كتاب The Message 13 أونلاين

Assalamu Alaikum
Well, we have made it to our first major milestone! This issue you
are currently holding now marks the fifth anniversary of The Mes-
sage Magazine. However, I will promise you from now, my short
piece in this editorial will not be a road trip down ‘memory lane’
but rather, the very reason why we established such a magazine
and the fulfilling of an obligation that every one of us is entrusted
Allah (Swt) says in the Quran “Let there arise out of you a group
of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining al ma’roof and for-
bidding al munkar. And it is they who are successful.”
All of us are in some way or another on a special mission to de-
liver a message brought down by previous Prophets. However,
that mission to deliver this message can vary significantly
whether it is through our tongues, actions, youth programs, Is-
lamic media and through many other avenues.
must admit that when we first started thinking about entering the
field of dawah, we had serious reservations about spreading the
beauty this religion has to offer due to our perceived lack of
knowledge. That was until I was reminded of a simple yet elegant
hadith- a hadith that has kept this magazine going for the past
five years and should be used as a sign of encouragement to
every Muslim in their dawah work.
The Prophet (S) was narrated to have said “Convey from me
even if it is only one ayah (verse).” This simple hadith has opened
my eyes to so many things in the way I have lived my life over the
past few years, which also teaches us numerous lessons. Firstly,
calling someone to Islam (whether it be a Muslim or non-Muslim)
is an individual obligation rather than a collective one. However,
more importantly, although gaining knowledge is a critical aspect
of Islam, the spreading of this message does not require a high
level of scholarship, it is in fact a responsibility on each and every
one of us according to our ability.
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 4.3 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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