📘 قراءة كتاب The Meaning of Articles of Faith أونلاين

Introduction , 1
The Levels of Deen 4
The Articles of Faith 7
Who Is Allah 8
The Types of Tawheed , 12
Rules Regarding the Divine Names &
Attributes 17
Belief in the Angels 22
Angels' Duties 28
Belief in the Scriptures 40
How to believe in the Messages .41
The Qur'an is Comprehensive Legislation 48
Belief in the Messengers .51
Jesus' Status in Islam .56
Belief in the Last Day 63
Signs of the Final Hour 64
The Day of Resurrection 68
The Nature ofJannah 75
Viewing the Face of Allah 76
The Nature of Hell 78
Belief in al-Qadha' & al-Qadar 81
The Invalidators of Islm 84
Preface to Third Edition
More than three years have passed since
'The Mini Library' was first published, during
which Muslims' dire need for such works, and
their keen interest in learning their faith
subsequent to the international events during the
past four years.
Compiling the Mini Library took too long to
compile; which makes it imperative revising it,
and reprinting a large quantity to cover the need
of English-speaking Muslims for such a reliable
and authentic source of Islamic data.
Besides, in the wake of the 9/11 events,
curiosity has driven many non-Muslims, whose
respective media kept bombarding them with
distorted and fictitious data about Islam and its
adherents, to search for the truth. A fact, which is
proven by their rush to buy whatever Islamic
literature they lay hands on. This, indeed, is one of
the positive aspects of the plight of the Muslim
The investigative study of the prevalent
situation suggests that the 3rll edition of the Mini
Library should mark a 100,000. Copies for the first
stage to be available for free distribution, and be
followed by similar quantities in subsequent
After the 2nd edition ran out of print, this
edition has since been revised, its typographical
errors are corrected, and every book in it is
thoroughly reviewed. However, regardless how
hard man keeps improving his work, it remains
vulnerable and imperfect in comparison with the
Book of Allah, simply because it is a human's
One of the main changes I have made in the
Manual of Arkan is the issue of Istiwa' of Allah
above His Throne. Some brothers have graciously
drew my attention to the possibility of
misconstruing the verb 'to mount', which agreed,
so I changed the verb 'to mount' into the verb 'to
ascend' thus to allow no chance for
misinterpreting this Divine action, bearing in
mind that there is no exact, or a loan term that
may substitute the Arabic verb 'ISTAWA'.
We should keep in mind too that since Allah
needs of none of His creatures, therefore,
'ascending His throne' means He is above without
contact, and in a manner which suits His Majesty.
You may also notice that I have changed the
title of this work into "The Mini Library of Islam"
for it in deed contains the basic information
a Muslim, new or otherwise, needs to know about
It is appropriate to express my gratefulness to
those who were gracious enough to review this
work, and make valuable observations on its
contents. May Allah grant them the best of
I also ask Allah to reward me for it, and help
me accomplish the (Mini Library of Islam II)
which will include works that will be of great
benefit to the students of knowledge in sha' Allah.
All praise is due to Allah, the Rubb of the
All praise is due to Allah Whom we praise, and
Whose aid we implore. We seek His forgiveness
and guidance, and we take refuge with Him
against our own evils and sinful acts. He, whom
Allah guides aright, none can lead astray; and
whom He leads astray, none can guide aright.
I testify that there is no true god except Allah
alone, Who has no partner, and I testify that
Muhammad is the slave of Allah and His
Messenger. May Allah reward him the best of
rewards as a satisfaction for his Ummah (nation)
and exalt his mention and render him safe from
every derogatory thing, and may He reward his
Companions for their pelSeVel3ICE'., sincerity in
transmitting the Deen to· their subsequent
This book is part of a series of books that are
included in a set titled, The Muslim's Mini Library.
It includes the basic information about Islam that a
Muslim, new or otherwise needs to learn about
Islam in terms of creed, worship, andmanners. This
Library will be followed, in sha Allah,. with more
comprehensive one that may include major works
that deal with transactions and other various
This book explains the Articles of Faith that
every Muslim must uphold and apply whatever
they entail. These articles comprise in general the
elements of the Aqeedah2 of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-
Jama'ah3 that I have compiled in simple language.
If the reader requires further details, he should
refer to sound authentic references of Ahlus-Sunnah
wal-Jama'ah, and to people of knowledge who are
known with their sound Aqeedah.
t The phrase, 'in sha Allah' means 'if Allah so wills.'
2 Aqeedah is a doctrine upon which one's mind is fully settled
or determined; or to which one adheres, or a firm belief, in
this case the Aqeedah of Tawheed signifies the belief that Allah
is the God Who is worthy of being worshipped. For example,
believing in Allah as the only true God is a central Aqeedah in
3Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah is an appellation that applies to
the sect that adheres to what the Prophet, may Allah exalt
him, and his Companions were adhering. He foretold that his
Ummah would be divided into 73 sects. All of whom are
doomed to Hell except Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah.
I ask Allah to help you gain from this library
sound knowledge. He is most capable of doing so.
And I conclude with praising Allah, the Exalted.
The Levels of the Deen4
Umar b. al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with
him, said:
While we were sitting with the Messenger of
Allah, may Allah exalt his mention, one day, a man
appeared in very white clothes, and very black
hair. He did not seem to be a transient, yet none of
us recognized him. He came in and sat facing the
Prophet, may Allah exalt his mention, with his
knees touching the Prophet's knees, and placed his
hands on the thighs of the Prophet, may Allah exalt
his mention, and said, '0, Muhammad! Tell me,
what is Islam?' The Prophet, may Allah exalt his
mention, answered, 'Islam is to testify that there is
no true god except Allah, and Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah, perform the Salah, give the
4 The Arabic term 'Deen' is usually translated into 'religion'.
'Religion' in Western. terminology as opposed to the term,
'Deen' in Islamic terminology means a way of spending an
hour or so on Sundays to listen to a sermon in a church. The
word 'Deen', commonly refers to Islam as a whole way of life.
It is -all in one- theological dogma, acts of worship, political
practice, and a detailed code of conduct, including the
hygiene or etiquette. Hence, it is preferable to refer to Islam
as 'Deen' instead of religion.
Faith in the sense of belief is based on six principles, which are mentioned in the hadith of Jibreel peace be upon him , when he questioned the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him , who said: “Faith means to believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and the Divine Decree, both good and bad.” Agreed upon . This series explain those articles of faith in detail.
سنة النشر : 2006م / 1427هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 2.5 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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