📘 قراءة كتاب Dawah To Christians أونلاين

There are two main sects of Christians: Catholics and Protestants, and three main
heretical sects: Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventists, and Mormons.
Catholics are the oldest – the earliest split was the Eastern Orthodox (Greek and Russian
Orthodox churches have different organizational structure, but essential beliefs the same).
Protestants split over Catholic hierarchy: Pope, bishops, etc and saint worship. Martin
Luther (1483-1546) and Calvin (1509-1564) lead a reform movement, which later
became known as the Protestant movement. It rejected the accumulated rites, rituals and
hierarchy of Roman Catholicism in an attempt to return to a purer form of Christianity.
After a bitter struggle with church leaders leading to the excommunication of many
reformers, a number of communities throughout Europe broke off and formed new
churches in which Mary, the mother of Jesus, was no longer worshipped, and intercession
through saints was no longer sought. Priests were allowed to marry, and the infallibility
of the authority of the Pope was totally rejected. Rites like communion, in which little
pieces of bread were served to the congregation in the belief that the pieces were
somehow transformed into the body of Jesus Christ, were dropped along with the use of
Latin in church rites.
Scriptural Difference
The Protestant Bible has seven less books than that of the Catholics.
Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
4.5 Million followers with 30,000 missionaries gathering 200,000 converts yearly
(1980 figures)
Founder: Joseph Smith (1805-1844 killed)
1822 Angel Moroni came
Book of Mormon published 1830
Smith’s closest disciple, Brigam Young (1801-1877), took followers to Utah, and took 25
wives and promoted unrestricted polygamy, until the USA government threatened to
revoke statehood. Mr. Young received revelation that polygamy was abrogated.
Unusual Beliefs
Adam actually God incarnated who came to Eden (in Missouri) with one of his heavenly
wives, Eve. Had sexual relations with Mary to produce Jesus.
God physically a huge man along with mother-wife begat all human spirits
Until 1978 blacks could not enter the priesthood (age 14 males enter Aaronic priesthood
and at age 20 they enter the higher office of Melchezdec), thus all 17 temples of the sect
were off-limits to blacks. Then First President, Spencer Kimball got revelation to include
Seventh Day Adventism
William Miller (1782-1849) calculated end of the world between 21March 1843 and 21
March 1844 (followers called Millerites)
Samuel Snow later recalculates the date as Oct. 22, 1844.
After the “Great Disappointment” remnants gather under Hiram Edson, Joseph Bates and
Ellen White (1827-1950)
Unusual Beliefs
1844 Christ entered heavenly sanctuary to judge sins of living and dead
Ellen White a true prophet
Sabbath – Seventh day (Saturday)
No pork, alcohol or tobacco
Jehovah¶s Witness
4.1 million followers, 200,000 converts yearly
Founder: Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916) a former Millerite and Christadelphian
Rejected eternal punishment
Started Watchtower 1879 – informal following in the millions, but organized only a
distributorship of tracts (100,000 books and 800,000 magazines printed daily)
Followers called: Bible Students
Joseph F. Rutherford (1869-1942) lawyer took over and officially named group
“Jehovah’s Witnesses” in 1931
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