❞ كتاب The Preaching Of Islam ❝  ⏤ توماس أرنولد

❞ كتاب The Preaching Of Islam ❝ ⏤ توماس أرنولد

e first edition of this book having been out of print for several years and
frequent inquiries having been made for copies, this new edition has been
prepared and an effort has been made to revise the work in the light of the fresh
materials tha
t have accumulated during the last sixteen years; but I can make no
claim to have made myself acquainted with the whole of the vast literature on
the subject, in upwards of ten different languages, which has been published
during this interval. The growing
interest in Islam and the various branches of
study connected with it, may be estimated from the fact that since 1906 five
periodicals have made their appearance devoted to investi
gations cognate to the
matter of the present work, viz.
Revue du M
onde Musulman, publié
par La Mission Scientifique du Maroc (
Paris, 1906
); Der Islam, Zeitschrift fü
Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients (Strassburg, 1910
; The
Moslem World, a quarterly review of current events, literature, and thought
g Mohammedans, and the progress of Christian Missions in Moslem lands
(London, 1911
); Mir Islama (St. Petersburg, 1912
); and Die Welt des Islams,
Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft f
r Islamkunde (Berlin, 1913

). The
Christian missionary societies
are also now devoting increased attention to the
subject of Muslim missionary activity and accordingly it takes up a
proportionately larger place in their publications than before.
This second edition would have been completed several years ago but for th
illiberal policy which closes the Reading Room of the British Museum at 7
o'clock and has thus made it practically inaccessible to me except on Saturdays.
I therefore desire to express my grateful thanks to those friends who have
facilitated my labours
by the loan of books from the Libraries of the University
of Leiden and the University of Utrecht (through the kind offices of
Wensinck), and the É
cole des Langues Or
ientales Vivantes, Paris;

to Mr.
J. A.
Oldham, editor of The Inter
national Revi
ew of Missions, I am indebted for the
loan of volumes of the Allgemeine Missions
Zeitschrift, a set of which I have
been unable to find in London; my thanks are specially due to Dr. F. W.
Thomas, who has allowed me to study for lengthy periods (along with
books from the India Office Library) the monumental
Annali dell' Islam
Leone Caetani, Principe di Teano,

a work of inestimable value for the early
history of Islam, but unfor
tunately placed out of the reach of the average scholar
by reason of its
great cost.
I am also much indebted for several valuable indications to those scholars who
reviewed the book when it first appeared,

above all, to Professor Goldziher,
whose sym
pathetic interest in this work has encouraged me to continue it.
London, 1913
The Student of t
he l
teratue of Science or of the fine Arts finds the libaries at South Kensington open till 10
o'clock on three evenings every week, but the one library in this country that aims at any completeness is
available only to such students as are at leisure dur
ing the day
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.
توماس أرنولد -
توماس وولكر آرنولد (بالإنجليزية: Thomas Walker Arnold) (مواليد 1864- وفيات 1930) مستشرق بريطاني شهير، بدأ حياته العلمية في جامعة كمبردج، حيث أظهر حبه للغات فتعلم العربية وانتقل للعمل باحثاً في جامعة عليكرة الإسلامية في الهند حيث أمضى هناك عشر سنوات ألف خلالها كتابه المشهور (الدعوة إلى الإسلام)، ثم عمل أستاذاً للفلسفة في جامعة لاهور، وفي عام 1904 عاد إلى لندن ليصبح أميناً مساعداً لمكتبة إدارة الحكومة الهندية التابعة لوزارة الخارجية البريطانية، وعمل في الوقت نفسه أستاذاً غير متفرغ في جامعة لندن وكان عضو هيئة تحرير دائرة المعارف الإسلامية التي صدرت في ليدن بهولندا في طبعتها الأولى. عمل أستاذاً زائراً في الجامعة المصرية عام 1930. ويذكر أنه كان معلما للمفكر الإسلامي الهندي محمد إقبال. كان المستشرق والمؤرخ البريطاني البارز للفن الإسلامي الذي كان يدرس في الكلية المحمدية الآنجلو شرقية ، جامعة عليكرة الإسلامية، ثم كلية عليكرة، والحكومات كلية جامعة لاهور - السير توماس أرنولد ووكر (1930 1864، ديفونبورت، ديفون). كان صديقا لأحمد خان السير سيد، وكتب كتابه الشهير "الدعوة الإسلامية" في إصرار سيد سيدي. كما كان المعلم الشهير محمد إقبال الشاعر والفيلسوف، سيد سليمان الندوي وصديق مقرب جدا من نعماني شبلي الذي كان أيضا مدرسا في جامعة عليكرة الإسلامية
❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ The Preaching Of Islam ❝ ❱
من كتب إسلامية بلغات أخرى - مكتبة كتب إسلامية.

نبذة عن الكتاب:
The Preaching Of Islam

1913م - 1446هـ

e first edition of this book having been out of print for several years and
frequent inquiries having been made for copies, this new edition has been
prepared and an effort has been made to revise the work in the light of the fresh
materials tha
t have accumulated during the last sixteen years; but I can make no
claim to have made myself acquainted with the whole of the vast literature on
the subject, in upwards of ten different languages, which has been published
during this interval. The growing
interest in Islam and the various branches of
study connected with it, may be estimated from the fact that since 1906 five
periodicals have made their appearance devoted to investi
gations cognate to the
matter of the present work, viz.
Revue du M
onde Musulman, publié
par La Mission Scientifique du Maroc (
Paris, 1906
); Der Islam, Zeitschrift fü
Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients (Strassburg, 1910
; The
Moslem World, a quarterly review of current events, literature, and thought
g Mohammedans, and the progress of Christian Missions in Moslem lands
(London, 1911
); Mir Islama (St. Petersburg, 1912
); and Die Welt des Islams,
Zeitschrift der deutschen Gesellschaft f
r Islamkunde (Berlin, 1913

). The
Christian missionary societies
are also now devoting increased attention to the
subject of Muslim missionary activity and accordingly it takes up a
proportionately larger place in their publications than before.
This second edition would have been completed several years ago but for th
illiberal policy which closes the Reading Room of the British Museum at 7
o'clock and has thus made it practically inaccessible to me except on Saturdays.
I therefore desire to express my grateful thanks to those friends who have
facilitated my labours
by the loan of books from the Libraries of the University
of Leiden and the University of Utrecht (through the kind offices of
Wensinck), and the É
cole des Langues Or
ientales Vivantes, Paris;

to Mr.
J. A.
Oldham, editor of The Inter
national Revi
ew of Missions, I am indebted for the
loan of volumes of the Allgemeine Missions
Zeitschrift, a set of which I have
been unable to find in London; my thanks are specially due to Dr. F. W.
Thomas, who has allowed me to study for lengthy periods (along with
books from the India Office Library) the monumental
Annali dell' Islam
Leone Caetani, Principe di Teano,

a work of inestimable value for the early
history of Islam, but unfor
tunately placed out of the reach of the average scholar
by reason of its
great cost.
I am also much indebted for several valuable indications to those scholars who
reviewed the book when it first appeared,

above all, to Professor Goldziher,
whose sym
pathetic interest in this work has encouraged me to continue it.
London, 1913
The Student of t
he l
teratue of Science or of the fine Arts finds the libaries at South Kensington open till 10
o'clock on three evenings every week, but the one library in this country that aims at any completeness is
available only to such students as are at leisure dur
ing the day
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam. .

تعليقات القرّاء:




e  first  edition  of  this  book  having  been  out  of  print  for  several  years  and
frequent  inquiries  having  been  made  for  copies,  this  new  edition  has  been
prepared and an effort has been made to revise the work in the light of the fresh
materials tha
t have accumulated during the last sixteen years; but I can make no
claim  to  have  made  myself  acquainted  with  the  whole  of  the  vast  literature  on
the  subject,  in  upwards  of  ten  different  languages,  which  has  been  published
during  this  interval.  The  growing
interest  in  Islam  and  the  various  branches  of
study  connected  with  it,  may  be  estimated  from  the  fact  that  since  1906  five
periodicals have made their appearance devoted to investi
gations cognate to the
matter  of  the  present  work,  viz.
Revue  du  M
onde  Musulman,  publié
par La Mission Scientifique du Maroc (
Paris, 1906
); Der Islam, Zeitschrift fü
Geschichte  und  Kultur  des  islamischen  Orients  (Strassburg,  1910
;  The
Moslem  World,  a  quarterly  review  of  current  events,  literature,  and  thought
g Mohammedans, and the progress of Christian Missions in Moslem lands
(London, 1911
); Mir Islama (St. Petersburg, 1912
); and Die Welt des Islams,
Zeitschrift  der  deutschen  Gesellschaft  f
r  Islamkunde  (Berlin,  1913

).  The
Christian  missionary  societies
are  also  now  devoting  increased  attention  to  the
subject   of   Muslim   missionary   activity   and   accordingly   it&nsp;  takes   up   a
proportionately larger place in their publications than before.
This second edition would have been completed several years ago but for th
illiberal  policy  which  closes  the  Reading  Room  of  the  British  Museum  at  7
o'clock and has thus made it practically inaccessible to me except on Saturdays.
I  therefore  desire  to  express  my  grateful  thanks  to  those  friends  who  have
facilitated my labours
by the loan of books from the Libraries of the University
of  Leiden  and  the  University  of  Utrecht  (through  the  kind  offices  of
Wensinck), and the É
cole des Langues Or
ientales Vivantes, Paris;

to Mr.
J. A.
Oldham, editor of The Inter
national Revi
ew of Missions, I am  indebted for the
loan  of  volumes  of  the  Allgemeine  Missions
Zeitschrift,  a  set  of  which  I  have
been  unable  to  find  in  London;  my  thanks  are  specially  due  to  Dr.  F.  W.
Thomas,  who  has  allowed  me  to  study  for  lengthy  periods  (along  with
books  from  the  India  Office  Library)  the  monumental
Annali  dell'  Islam
Leone  Caetani,  Principe  di  Teano,

a  work  of  inestimable  value  for  the  early
history of Islam, but unfor
tunately placed out of the reach of the average scholar
by reason of its
great cost.
I am also much indebted for several valuable indications to those scholars who
reviewed  the  book  when  it  first  appeared,

above  all,  to  Professor  Goldziher,
whose sym
pathetic interest in this work has encouraged me to continue it.
London, 1913
The  Student  of  t
he  l
teratue  of  Science  or  of  the  fine  Arts  finds  the  libaries  at  South  Kensington  open  till  10
o'clock  on  three  evenings  every  week,  but  the  one  library  in  this  country  that  aims  at  any  completeness  is
available only to such students as are at leisure dur
ing the day
Calling to Islam is an obligation for those who obtain the knowledge. However, calling to Islam is a skillful matter that has special etiquette which needs to be educated to the callers of Islam.

سنة النشر : 1913م / 1331هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 8.3 ميجا بايت .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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توماس أرنولد - Thomas Arnold+++

كتب توماس أرنولد توماس وولكر آرنولد (بالإنجليزية: Thomas Walker Arnold) (مواليد 1864- وفيات 1930) مستشرق بريطاني شهير، بدأ حياته العلمية في جامعة كمبردج، حيث أظهر حبه للغات فتعلم العربية وانتقل للعمل باحثاً في جامعة عليكرة الإسلامية في الهند حيث أمضى هناك عشر سنوات ألف خلالها كتابه المشهور (الدعوة إلى الإسلام)، ثم عمل أستاذاً للفلسفة في جامعة لاهور، وفي عام 1904 عاد إلى لندن ليصبح أميناً مساعداً لمكتبة إدارة الحكومة الهندية التابعة لوزارة الخارجية البريطانية، وعمل في الوقت نفسه أستاذاً غير متفرغ في جامعة لندن وكان عضو هيئة تحرير دائرة المعارف الإسلامية التي صدرت في ليدن بهولندا في طبعتها الأولى. عمل أستاذاً زائراً في الجامعة المصرية عام 1930. ويذكر أنه كان معلما للمفكر الإسلامي الهندي محمد إقبال. كان المستشرق والمؤرخ البريطاني البارز للفن الإسلامي الذي كان يدرس في الكلية المحمدية الآنجلو شرقية ، جامعة عليكرة الإسلامية، ثم كلية عليكرة، والحكومات كلية جامعة لاهور - السير توماس أرنولد ووكر (1930 1864، ديفونبورت، ديفون). كان صديقا لأحمد خان السير سيد، وكتب كتابه الشهير "الدعوة الإسلامية" في إصرار سيد سيدي. كما كان المعلم الشهير محمد إقبال الشاعر والفيلسوف، سيد سليمان الندوي وصديق مقرب جدا من نعماني شبلي الذي كان أيضا مدرسا في جامعة عليكرة الإسلامية ❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ The Preaching Of Islam ❝ ❱. المزيد..

كتب توماس أرنولد

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