📘 قراءة كتاب Infromation Technology Law 2nd EDITION أونلاين

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Despite these reasons, and the fact that computers have now been in existence for over half a century, protection of the intellectual property rights in computer programs has only really become an issue since the advent of microcomputers, a much more recent development. In the early stages of development of the industry, the problem was not particularly acute, since computer systems were large, custom built affairs. They were only used by large institutions, whether commercial, industrial or educational, and the public had no general access to them. In those cases where intellectual property rights might have been an issue, the software and programs written for them could be adequately protected by contract, supplemented by actions for breach of confidence. These methods may still provide a useful remedy in certain cases.2
This situation changed dramatically as microprocessors and personal computers became commonplace; their use became widespread and was no longer confined to large institutions. At this point, it was not possible to rely purely on contract and confidence to protect intellectual property rights in computer programs. As early as the beginning of the 1970s, the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) had begun to turn its attention to the issue and, in 1978, produc
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