📚 عرض أكثر الكتب تحميلًا في كتب Science Technology علوم التكنولوجيا:
Light Metals 2013: New Green Anode Plant at EMAL ‐ Start‐Up and Operation in the First 2 Years PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Light Metals 2013: New Green Anode Plant at EMAL ‐ Start‐Up and Operation in the First 2 Years PDF مجانا
Magnesium Technology 2012: Precipitation Formation and Grain Refinement of Mg‐Al‐Sn Alloy during Hot Deformation PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Magnesium Technology 2012: Precipitation Formation and Grain Refinement of Mg‐Al‐Sn Alloy during Hot Deformation PDF مجانا
Magnesium Technology 2012: Effect of the Solidification Rate on Microstructure of Cast Mg Alloys at Low Superheat PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Magnesium Technology 2012: Effect of the Solidification Rate on Microstructure of Cast Mg Alloys at Low Superheat PDF مجانا
Light Metals 2011: Light Metals 2011: Advanced Numerical Simulation of the Thermo‐Electro‐Mechanical Behaviour of Hall‐Heroult Cells under Electrical Preheating PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Light Metals 2011: Light Metals 2011: Advanced Numerical Simulation of the Thermo‐Electro‐Mechanical Behaviour of Hall‐Heroult Cells under Electrical Preheating PDF مجانا
light metals 2011: The Coupling of Macrosegregation with Grain Nucleation, Growth and Motion in DC Cast Aluminum Alloy Ingots PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب light metals 2011: The Coupling of Macrosegregation with Grain Nucleation, Growth and Motion in DC Cast Aluminum Alloy Ingots PDF مجانا
light metals 2011: Alumina Refinery Wastewater Management: When Zero Discharge Just Isn't Feasible PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب light metals 2011: Alumina Refinery Wastewater Management: When Zero Discharge Just Isn't Feasible PDF مجانا
Light Metals 2015: Optimization of Isothermal Hot Rolling Parameters using Ansys and Ls‐Dyna PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Light Metals 2015: Optimization of Isothermal Hot Rolling Parameters using Ansys and Ls‐Dyna PDF مجانا
Magnesium Technology 2013: A Multi‐Stage Approach for Predicting Fatigue Damage in Friction Stir Spot Welded Joints of Mg AZ31 Alloy PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Magnesium Technology 2013: A Multi‐Stage Approach for Predicting Fatigue Damage in Friction Stir Spot Welded Joints of Mg AZ31 Alloy PDF مجانا
light metals 2015: Wetting between Carbon and Cryolitic Melts. Part I: Theory and Equipment PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب light metals 2015: Wetting between Carbon and Cryolitic Melts. Part I: Theory and Equipment PDF مجانا
Magnesium Technology 2011: Influence of Solute Cerium on the Deformation Behavior of an Mg‐0.5wt.% Ce Alloy PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Magnesium Technology 2011: Influence of Solute Cerium on the Deformation Behavior of an Mg‐0.5wt.% Ce Alloy PDF مجانا
light metals 2012: The Successful Implementation of DUBAL DX Technology at EMAL PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب light metals 2012: The Successful Implementation of DUBAL DX Technology at EMAL PDF مجانا
Light metals 2012: Optimization of Process Parameters of Preparing Foamed Al‐Si Alloy Based on Ga‐Based Bp Neural Network PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Light metals 2012: Optimization of Process Parameters of Preparing Foamed Al‐Si Alloy Based on Ga‐Based Bp Neural Network PDF مجانا
light metals 2015: Impact of Potroom Work Practices on Roofline Fluoride Emissions and Wet Scrubber Efficiency PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب light metals 2015: Impact of Potroom Work Practices on Roofline Fluoride Emissions and Wet Scrubber Efficiency PDF مجانا
Venture Capital Valuation: Using Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to Explain VC Valuation Gains and Losses: How VCs PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Venture Capital Valuation: Using Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to Explain VC Valuation Gains and Losses: How VCs PDF مجانا
Light metals 2012: Modeling the Mass and Energy Balance of Different Aluminium Smelting Cell Technologies PDF
قراءة و تحميل كتاب Light metals 2012: Modeling the Mass and Energy Balance of Different Aluminium Smelting Cell Technologies PDF مجانا
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