❞ 📚 كتب فرانسوا جارد ❝
جميع كتب فرانسوا جارد .. عرض كل كتب فرانسوا جارد المصوّرة | François Garde (born 1959 in Le Cannet, Alpes-Maritimes) is a French writer and high-ranking official
Administrative career
Graduated in 1984 of the ENA (class Louise Michel),
Deputy Secretary-General of New Caledonia from 1991 to 1993
Administrator-Superior of French Southern and Antarctic Lands (from 25 May 2000[1] to 19 December 2004[2])
Secretary-General of the Government of New-Caledonia, August 2009 – August 2010,
Vice-President of the Administrative court at Dijon, then Grenoble.
Garde began to write at the age of over forty years and since 2003 has published various books and two novels.
2003: Les Institutions de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.,[3]
2006: Paul-Émile Victor et la France de l'Antarctique.,[4]
2015: La Baleine dans tous ses états.[5]
2012: Ce qu'il advint du sauvage blanc (fr).[6]
prix Goncourt du premier roman 2012
grand prix Jean-Giono 2012.[7]
prix littéraire des grands espaces Maurice Dousset 2012
prix Hortense Dufour 2012.[8]
prix Edmée de La Rochefoucauld 2012
prix Emmanuel Roblès 2012
prix Amerigo Vespucci 2012.[9]
prix Ville de Limoges 2012.[10]
2013: Pour trois couronnes, Gallimard
2016: L’Effroi, Gallimard❰ له مجموعة من الإنجازات والمؤلفات أبرزها ❞ الأكاليل الثلاثة ❝ ❞ ماذا جرى للمتوحش الأبيض ❝ ❞ ماذا جرى للمتوحش الأبيض ❝ الناشرين : ❞ دار نينوي للدراسات والنشر والتوزيع ❝ ❱..
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