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Interesting Complex Polynomial Question (1 of 2: Factorisation) PDF
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Square Roots of Complex Numbers PDF
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Complex Roots (5 of 5: Using Geometric Progression to find factors of ฯ^n - 1) PDF
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Complex Roots (4 of 5: Using Polynomial Identities to prove unity identities) PDF
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Complex Roots (3 of 5: Using DMT to solve an equation of roots of unity) PDF
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Complex Roots (2 of 5: Using Trigonometrical Identities & Conjugates to solve an equation) PDF
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Complex Roots (1 of 5: Observing Complex Conjugate Root Theorem through seventh roots of unity) PDF
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Complex Conjugate Root Theorem (Formal Proof) PDF
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Curves and Regions on the Complex Plane (4 of 4: Plotting simultaneous shifted complex numbers) PDF
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Curves and Regions on the Complex Plane (3 of 4: Simplifying expressions to plot on a complex plane) PDF
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Curves and Regions on the Complex Plane (2 of 4: Deciphering terminology to plot complex numbers) PDF
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Curves and Regions on the Complex Plane (1 of 4: Introductory example plotting |z|=5 geometrically) PDF
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Graphing with Complex Numbers (2 of 3: Determining the region) PDF
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Graphing with Complex Numbers (1 of 3: Initial algebraic expansion) PDF
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Geometry of Complex Numbers (6 of 6: Conversion Between Forms) PDF
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