📘 قراءة كتاب The Self-Taught Computer Scientist أونلاين

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عالم الكمبيوتر الذي يتم تدريسه ذاتيًا هو متابعة كوري ألتوف لبرنامج The Self-Taught Programmer ، والتي ألهمت مئات الآلاف من المحترفين لتعلم كيفية البرمجة خارج المدرسة.
في The Self-Taught Programmer ، أوضح كوري للقراء سبب عدم حاجتك إلى درجة في علوم الكمبيوتر للبرمجة باحتراف وعلم أساسيات البرمجة التي استخدمها للانتقال من مبتدئ كامل إلى مهندس برمجيات في eBay بدون واحد.
في عالم الكمبيوتر الذي يدرس ذاتيًا ، يعلمك كوري مفاهيم علوم الكمبيوتر التي يجب أن يفهمها جميع المبرمجين العصاميين للحصول على وظائف متميزة. لن يجعلك عالم الكمبيوتر الذي يدرس ذاتيًا مبرمجًا أفضل فحسب ؛ سيساعدك أيضًا على اجتياز المقابلة الفنية: المقابلة التي يتعين على جميع المبرمجين اجتيازها للحصول على وظيفة جديدة.
سواء كنت تستعد للتقدم لوظائف أو لصقل معرفتك بعلوم الكمبيوتر ، فإن قراءة The Self-Taught Computer Scientist ستحسن حياتك المهنية في البرمجة. إنه مكتوب للمبتدئين تمامًا ، لذا لن تواجه مشكلة في قراءته حتى لو لم تدرس علوم الكمبيوتر من قبل.
The Self-Taught Computer Scientist is Cory Althoff's follow-up to The Self-Taught Programmer, which inspired hundreds of thousands of professionals to learn how to program outside of school.
In The Self-Taught Programmer, Cory showed readers why you don't need a computer science degree to program professionally and taught the programming fundamentals he used to go from a complete beginner to a software engineer at eBay without one.
In The Self-Taught Computer Scientist, Cory teaches you the computer science concepts that all self-taught programmers should understand to have outstanding careers. The Self-Taught Computer Scientist will not only make you a better programmer; it will also help you pass your technical interview: the interview all programmers have to pass to land a new job.
Whether you are preparing to apply for jobs or sharpen your computer science knowledge, reading The Self-Taught Computer Scientist will improve your programming career. It's written for complete beginners, so you should have no problem reading it even if you've never studied computer science before.
From the Back Cover
Prepare for an exciting new career in software development
The Self-Taught Computer Scientist is Cory Althoff’s follow-up to The Self-Taught Programmer, which inspired hundreds of thousands of professionals to learn how to program outside of school.
In The Self-Taught Programmer, Cory showed readers why you don’t need a computer science degree to program professionally and taught the programming fundamentals he used to go from a complete beginner to a software engineer at eBay without one.
In The Self-Taught Computer Scientist, Cory teaches you the most important computer science topics that all self-taught programmers should understand to have outstanding careers. The book focuses on data structures and algorithms: two subjects all future programmers need to understand. The Self-Taught Computer Scientist will not only make you a better programmer; it will also help you pass your technical interview: the interview all programmers have to pass to land a new job.
Whether you are preparing to apply for jobs or sharpen your knowledge on data structures and algorithms, reading The Self-Taught Computer Scientist will improve your programming career. It’s written for complete beginners, so you should have no problem reading it even if you’ve never studied computer science before.
سنة النشر : 2021م / 1442هـ .
نوع الكتاب : pdf.
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