📘 قراءة كتاب Diet and cancer أونلاين

النظام الغذائي والسرطان
هناك العديد من الأطعمة الصحية التي تحتوي على مستويات كبيرة من فيتامين ك ، الذي يحتاجه الجسم لتخثر الدم. ومع ذلك ، فإن الإفراط في تناول فيتامين ك يمكن أن يساهم في تكوين جلطات دموية في بعض الحالات.
يجب ألا تزيد نسبة الأطعمة التي تحتوي على نسبة عالية من فيتامين ك عن 25-30 في المائة من النظام الغذائي ، والتي تشمل:
البروكلي ،
براعم بروكسل ،
الملفوف ،
الكرنب الأخضر.
قشر الخيار ،
الهندباء ،
البصل الأخضر ،
الخس ،
الخردل الأخضر ،
السبانخ ،
اللفت ،
يجب تجنب الثوم لأسباب أخرى. يجب تناول البصل باعتدال.
While proteolytic enzymes are blood thinners, it is best not to try to balance blood-clotting foods and blood thinners. It is best to use moderation on both sides of the issue.
Johanna Brandt
“The grape is, as far as I know, the most powerful nature solvent of some chemical deposits, and at the same time the most drastic eliminator. Because of its extraordinary properties, the avenues of excretion become superbly active under a proper grape diet.”
Johanna Brandt
The concept of a cancer diet
I remember reading the detailed diary of a person who was trying to cure his own cancer with alternative treatments. I was puzzled why his treatments weren't working until I came across an entry several months into his treatment plan. He basically stated (after several months of alternative treatments): “I decided to stop smoking.”
What is wrong with this picture? What is wrong is that he thought he could treat his own cancer by popping pills. There is far more to fighting cancer with alternative treatments than popping pills.
Understand this: Taking any alternative cancer treatment is like putting gasoline in your car — you are on your way to killing cancer cells, etc. But having a bad diet while you are on a cancer treatment is like putting water in that same gasoline tank.
As mentioned in Introduction to Alternative Cancer Treatments, many people have cured cancer using nothing but a massive change in their diet. I will add that a bad diet during a cancer treatment has destroyed many alternative cancer treatments. Something as simple as adding refined salt to your foods may destroy an entire cancer treatment.
The cancer diet is just as important as the cancer treatment! If the cancer diet is not treating cancer, then it is interfering with the cancer treatment.
Another thing that must be understood is the logic a person must use on a cancer treatment diet is different than the logic they are accustomed to using in dealing with orthodox medicine. Let me give you an example:
When taking orthodox drugs, you might encounter something like this:
Step 1: Take the yellow and green pills.
Step 2: Do not drink alcohol or tea after taking the pills.
What about the foods and drinks not specifically mentioned in Step 1 or Step 2? With orthodox medicine, you are free to eat anything not prohibited.
But with alternative cancer treatments just the opposite is true. For example, let us consider a simplified Brandt Grape Cure:
Step 1: Grape Juice and natural water.
Step 2: Do not ingest any chlorine.
In this case, you are forbidden to eat any food that is not in Step 1, even though it is not listed in Step 2. With alternative treatments for cancer, what you don't eat is just as important as what you are allowed to eat.
Most people who get cancer get it because of the things they have eaten. The wrong foods created an internal terrain which allowed the body to be filled with fungus (e.g. tobacco leaves are filled with fungus, as are peanuts, to name but two of many such substances commonly consumed). When a carcinogenic substance reacts with the body, the internal terrain cannot deal with the carcinogenic substance and the person gets cancer.
An excellent site on foods to avoid.
In fact, many scientific studies have proven that diet alone — meaning the foods that were eaten — caused cancer. Thus, by default, if you want to reverse cancer you must reverse your diet to create a strong inner terrain.
A cancer diet severely restricts what you can eat. By default, if it is not specifically allowed to be eaten in the treatment plan, don't eat it. The Step 2 items are simply the most damaging things to the diet.
Another key fact is that many people crave certain foods. This may be because of habit or it may be because of a food allergy. People crave foods they are allergic to. I have known this fact for 30 years.
Thus, switching from the diet that caused your cancer to a diet that is needed to cure cancer may involve the stopping of eating foods the person is allergic to (i.e. they crave). This compounds the problem and means more effort is needed to stick to the diet.
It gets worse. I have concluded based on the observation of many case studies, that fungus creates a craving for foods. Fungi must eat and when they don't get what they are used to (e.g. tobacco, meat, ice cream, cheese) they in some way send a signal to your body to eat those foods they are used to. Thus, virtually everyone who switches to a good “cancer diet” has to fight the signals caused by the fungus.
Not all cancer diets are the same
Another thing that must be understood is that for some cancer treatments there are special diets. In other words, not all cancer diets are the same.
For example, in the InnerLight cancer treatment of Robert O. Young, Ph.D., almost all fruits are forbidden. They are forbidden for good reason in his diet. His diet is designed to balance the pH in the blood and remove (in a non-technical way) yeast and fungus (Y/F) from the body. Like a few other cancer treatments, his treatment converts cancer cells into normal cells.
But with other cancer treatments, fruits are an integral part of the treatment. Why? Because some cancer diets are designed to kill cancer cells, and some fruits contain massive amounts of cancer-killing nutrients. The glucose in these fruits “carries” the cancer-killing nutrients into the cancer cells, which gobble up glucose and steal it from normal cells. This means they also steal the cancer-killing nutrients from normal cells. This can lead to cancer cell death.
We must first determine which theory of treating cancer is being used. The top priority is given to killing the fungus and other microbes in the body (i.e. starving them to death or creating an inner terrain that converts them into something harmless). It is somewhat similar to the Robert O. Young diet. Again, this choice is because of a lot of observations of cancer diets that didn't work.
Again, I recommend the Robert O. Young book Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain and you should use the exact diet Dr. Young tells you is the ideal way to go. Having said that, I make important comments specifically related to cancer, so read “cancer diet” below as well.
What about the Gerson diet, the Kelley Metabolic diet, the Moerman diet, and so on? If you want to go on the Kelley treatment that is fine, use his diet and supplements. The Gerson and Moerman diets seem to be outdated when compared to newer diets. However, some parts of these diets may contain things that are superior to current diets (e.g. iodine). The “cancer diet” is a never-ending study of the right combinations of foods.
Understanding what a cancer diet is
(Study What Causes Cancer to understand why some of these things are part of the cancer diet.)
Cancer is caused by microbes inside the cancer cells. These microbes love sugar and dairy products.
With regards to a cancer treatment, every food that we eat or drink can be categorized into categories:
Foods that feed and strengthen the cancer cells and/or the microbes in the cancer cells and body. Examples would be refined sugar (e.g. see: Challenge Cancer Website), refined flour, soda pop, dairy products, etc.
Foods that cause cancer (e.g. trans fatty acids [margarine, French fries and virtually every other processed food you buy], aspartame [Diet Coke, NutraSweet, Equal, etc.], MSG, polyunsaturated oils [e.g. corn oil], etc.)
Foods that directly interfere with alternative treatments for cancer (e.g. chlorine, fluoride, alcohol, coffee, etc.)
Foods that occupy and distract the immune system from focusing on killing the cancer cells (e.g. beef, turkey, etc.)
Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat cancer (e.g. purple grapes with seeds and skin, red raspberries with seeds, strawberries with seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, several herbs, carrots, pineapples, almonds, etc.)
In addition, there are things like cooking vegetables. The cooking destroys the enzymes in the vegetables and makes them far less digestible and far less effective in treating cancer. Pasteurizing any food or drink also does this.
Ideally during a cancer treatment, if foods are allowed on a particular diet, 100 percent of everything you eat should be in the category of “Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat cancer.” Whenever you eat a food that is not in that category, you are interfering with your cancer treatment. This is why so many cancer diets are very high in raw vegetables and raw fruits.
Some foods, however, are in more than one category. Grapes feed glucose to cancer cells, plus they contain nutrients that kill cancer cells. So should you take grapes? Generally, no. However, the Brandt Grape Cure, a diet of nothing but grapes, is an excellent cancer treatment. The problem is that combining grapes with other treatments tends to do more harm (by feeding the cancer cells) than good (by killing cancer cells) because other substances in the treatment seem to be neutralizing the value of the grapes.
Juicing raw vegetables and raw fruits is good in some cases (but not all cases, especially when the seeds are important) because the vegetables and fruits are more easily digested (translation: more nutrients get to the cancer cells). However, when you juice you throw away a lot of nutrients.
Also, understand not all vegetables and fruits are equal at treating cancer. Some vegetables do not contribute significantly to treating cancer and some fruits do not contribute significantly to treating cancer (at least not that we know of at the current time). On the other hand, some vegetables are very potent cancer killers, as are some fruits.
A critical definition
In the alternative health field, “fasting” has a very different definition than that used by many people. In alternative medicine, the “fast” or “fasting” generally means that a person can drink water and a limited amount of other drinks and foods.
For example, the Breuss cancer treatment is a 42-day fast. However, his fast allows water to be drunk and a special tea he designed for the fast.
A fast is critical to many alternative cancer treatments, but again understand that the term fast allows certain foods or drinks to be taken during the fast.
As another example, the Brandt Grape Cure is considered to be a fast even though the person can consume fairly large quantities of grapes during the treatment. It is called a juice fast.
The term “fast” could be associated with “restricted to” or “limited to” because that is what it means.
Important message for weak cancer patients
The diet which will now be discussed is essentially a raw food diet, composed mostly of raw vegetables and greens (e.g. sprouts and juiced grasses). Cancer patients who are extremely weak may not be able to properly digest raw foods.
If that is the case, there is an absolutely required food: organic beef broth. Also, the macrobiotic diet would probably be a better diet for a very weak cancer patient because cooked foods are much easier to digest.
Gerson and Macrobiotic diets
In addition to the macrobiotic diet, there are several supplements that are absolutely required for weak cancer patients.
Body Flex AM is a vitamin, mineral, etc. blend.
Another product is a combination of three different products: Ultimate EFA Plus, Beyond Osteo-FX, and BTT2.0. These can be purchased in one set — the Healthy Body Start Pak 2.0. These plant-based, whole food vitamins and minerals are based on the “90 Essential Nutrients” proposed by Dr. Joel Wallach during his decades of clinical research.
Vibe, a liquid vitamin drink by Eniva, supercharges the nutrients in the body. The dosage for cancer patients is to build up to 4 ounces a day. Start with one ounce a day, then over a period of a week build up to 4 ounces a day.
Vibe liquid cannot be taken by all cancer patients because it has added Vitamin C. Treatments that may be neutralized by added Vitamin C include Amazon Factor Protocol, all graviola and Paw Paw treatments, Protocel, and Cantron.
Other super energy and super nutrient drinks include:
Tahitian Noni Juice,
Xango Mangosteen Juice,
Berry Young Juice (which is 80 percent Ningxia Wolfberry Juice)
One of the treatments in the Bill Henderson Protocol should be used by every weak cancer patient, no matter what treatment they are on. That product is Barley Power, an enzyme supplement that has virtually every enzyme on earth in it.
Barley Power is a “green” product that is cold-processed. Every cancer patient, on any treatment, should use Barley Power. Take at least 12 pills a day, perhaps much more.
Include foods high in oxalic acid
Whichever cancer diet you choose, 50 percent or more of the foods you eat should be high in oxalic acid — but not too many greens. Oxalic acid is deadly to cancer cells.
Essentially 50 percent of the foods a cancer patient eats should come from this list of foods high in oxalic acid. Carrot juice with a little beet juice is a common cancer treatment. Both foods are high in oxalic acid.
Chlorine, fluoride, and other toxic chemicals
Avoid all chlorine in your diet. This includes avoiding foods made with tap water. Chlorine destroys many phytonutrients and other nutrients, thus the damage was done to the food during processing and cannot be reversed.
This means, for example, not drinking soda pop or any other drinks that have been made by mixing tap water with something else. You should not buy bottled grape juice because, during processing, the chlorine in the tap water destroyed many phytonutrients. The damage cannot be reversed.
As a general rule, all vegetables should be organic, if possible. Green vegetables, including grasses (generally juiced) and sprouts, must be the foundation of a good cancer diet. The fiber, enzymes, chlorophyll, minerals, and many nutrients are necessary for your cancer diet. Even if you could figure out a cancer diet without eating green vegetables (including the grasses), you should not do it. These are required to be the foundation of your cancer diet.
Just as there are some things you must not eat, there are some things you must eat.
Juicing vegetables and grasses will help get more nutrients into the body. However, some whole vegetables should be eaten in order to get the fiber. Fiber is critical to a cancer treatment.
As with all juices, if you make the juice from the actual foods, the juice should be drunk immediately after they are prepared. In cases where many small doses of a fresh vegetable juice are needed to be taken (e.g. to avoid diarrhea), the juice can be refrigerated for the day.
Essentially, you should have organic, fresh salads / vegetables / juiced grasses / sprouts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Many of the other foods that are allowed on this diet should be mixed in with the salad, except for the vegetable juices.
A list of such vegetables taken from Dr. Young's book:
القرنبيط والبنجر
والجزر (الاعتدال)
والكوسا الأخضر والأصفر (الاعتدال)
والفاصوليا الخضراء والبازلاء (الطازجة)
والفلفل الأحمر والأصفر والأخضر (إذا وافقوا معك) *
الخردل الخضر
السلق السويسري
الخضروات البحر
مثل نوري
اكام وniziki
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