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Fast Food Nutrition , Calories , Carbs plus Calculator for Weight Loss , Diet Watchers , Cals , BMI & Carb Control Mobile App
Home iOS Software Educational Software Health & Fitness Software Smart Fast Food Nutrition Calories Plus Calculator for Weight Loss and Calorie Watchers Mobile App
Smart Fast Food Nutrition Calories Plus Calculator for Weight Loss and Calorie Watchers Mobile App for iPhone
From Post799: BEST nutrition eating out guide AND food score calculator in one app !If you are in a restaurant or planning to visit one and need nutritional info regarding its meals - this app is all you will ever need.App shows calories,already calculated smart food score,old food score,carbs,sodium,fat,fiber for over 310 most popular restaurants,fast food chains and even buffets.Menus are being constantly updated.App also lets you locate listed restaurants 30 miles(50 km) near your current location; create list of your favorite restaurants.Food score calculators for old and new systems are also included in the app!BMI calculator included here too!*** We are updating this app bi-weekly to add new Smart Score to existing restaurants*** Users write about lost weight using our app since 2011!Get free updates anytime we add awesome features or update menus .Updates are always FREE !Plus this app is also designed for your iPad as well as iPhone, so no need to pay for separate iPad or iPhone version310+ restaurants and fast food chains included. This is the ONLY app with such great database you can find.Even popular buffets are included!Menus are being updated all the time.Includes Food Score calculatorsConveniently shows you whole menu and nutritional information and not just one item at a timeMore than 500 5-stars reviews on App StoreIncludes BMI calculator for both American AND Metric systems.Know your BMI no matter if you use pounds, feet ,inches or centimeters,kilograms and metersUse "Find near me" GPS option to find your favorite restaurant within 30 miles (50km) near youiPad HD ready!On iPhone or iPod works as iPhone app, on iPad works as iPad HD version. No need to pay for separate app for your iPad or iPhone!Includes even some popular Canadian and UK restaurantsMenus are being updated all the time, so you are provided most current information. We care! Don't get stuck with an app that shows old menusMake a list of your favorite restaurantsNo points calculator or counter needed - food score and classic food score already calculated for you for all food itemsNo Internet needed! All info is stored in your device - access it anytime, anywhereIn addition please find all major Movie Theaters Popcorn, Snacks and Drinks calories.Screen is re-sizable, so you can make it small or large with movement of you fingertips in case you need larger size letters.Very helpful especially for diet watchers who count Food Score (old and new-both included in this app) !Search Restaurants- search box is included to find restaurants easyWatch yourself lose weight when using portion Units = New Smart ScoreUnits = Food ScoreClassic Units = Old Food LOVE this App!It has been so helpful! So far I have lost 40 pounds.This app is sure to help me lose 25 more! - Maria SantiagoUse this app also to plan ahead what to order and know how many calories or carbs you will consume beforehand.
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