📘 قراءة كتاب عناصر اللياقة البدنية أونلاين

عناصر اللياقة البدنية
( السرعة ، القوة ، الرشاقة ، المرونة ، التحمل ، التوازن ، التوافق )
اللياقة البدنية : هي مستوي الحالة البدنية التي يعتمد عليها الرياضي في مكونات اللياقة البدنية الخاصة برياضته والتي يتم قياسها بأجهزة القياس والاختبارات العلمية ومقارنتها بالمستوي الامثل .
تعرف القوة العضلية بأنها المقدرة علي استخدام ومواجهة المقاومات المختلفة .
أو قدرة العضلة في التغلب علي مقاومة خارجية أو مواجهتا .
أهمية القوة العضلية :
• تعتبر القوة العضلية أحد مكونات اللياقة البدنية .
• القوة العضلية تستخدم كعلاج وقائي ضد التشوهات والعيوب الخلقية والجسمية .
• أثبت ( ماك كلوى ) أن الأفراد الذين يتمتعون بالقوة العضلية يستطيعون تسجيل درجة عالية من القدرة البدنية العامة .
• تعتبر عنصر أساسي أيضا في القدرة الحركية .
• لا يوجد نشاط بدني رياضي يمكنه الاستغناء عن القوة .
• لها دور فعال في تأدية المهارات بدرجة ممتازة .
• القوة العضلية تكسب الفتيان والفتيات تكوينا متماسكا في جميع حركاتهم الأساسية .
العوامل المؤثرة فيها :
Abstract :
Elements of skills and physical in Gilgamesh epic , The researcher mentioned in previous prelude of his research . Mesopotamian civilization on universal civilizations and between such preceding field is literature that stand in head of Gilgamesh epic were prolixity in definition of Gilgamesh and his strength and his courage and defeated of his enemies moreover by his using of different kinds weapons and articulate professionalism of recycling as the writer mentioned of his earning physical and skillful qualities were Gilgamesh distinguished non required by leisure time but it’s resultant of heavily continuously training .
Non of researchers have taken the Research’s problem that summarized in the roll of sport during both hero’s Gilgamesh’s life in spit of it’s importance . The researcher goals were firstly is identification the elements of physical features body that decorated both of epic’s heroes , secondly the identification of skill’s sides were epic’s heroes severalty .
The researcher showed what surrounded by epic and the major personalities heroes and showed the clues the represented the physical features were decorated Gilgamesh and inked heroes , and the symbols that built their abilities in recycling and the use of different kinds of weapons as ax and sward and sward and bow and quiver adding to swimming and diving and rowing .
And the most concrete reaching conclusions by researcher, what were Gilgamesh’s physical and skillful abilities characteristics for long period training , and this done according to sport programs that can assimilated any of the roll quality and it’s location , and the use of physical body elements in highly efficiency by Gilgamesh according to whatever the situation is demand , and the distinguished skill for excessive ability of using weapons and done conflicts and trips that never be as traditional because it’s were against beasts that nobody can ever confront and before countered of versus of human nature .
سنة النشر : 2018م / 1439هـ .
حجم الكتاب عند التحميل : 23.7kB .
نوع الكتاب : docx.
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