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تريد دخول عالم كمال الأجسام و لا تعرف من أين تبدأ؟ لا تقلق، في هذه الكتب ستكتشف كل ما تريده لبداية تمارين كمال الأجسام والاغذية الهامة لبناء وتضخيم العضلات و احتراف هذه الرياضة بنفسك
لذلك ننصحك بهذا الكتاب في عالم كمال الاجسام vince delmonte no nonsense muscle building
vince delmonte no nonsense muscle building
Skinny Guy Secrets To
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This program is a step-by-step program that involves gradual but consistent progression
to the point of lifting very heavy weights. Proper warm-up is mandatory before
every workout to ensure that you protect your tendons, ligaments, and joints from
Although exercise is beneficial and this program has been created to progress beginners
to advanced and elite training levels there is still the risk of injury. Vince DelMonte
Fitness and its owners, agents, affiliates and employees will not be held responsible
or liable for any injury sustained while lifting or moving weights at your home, gym or
elsewhere. Always consult with your physician before beginning any weight-training
program or other exercise, even if it is progressive in nature. If you experience any
strain or pain while training, stop and immediately consult your family doctor.
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